Anastasio born
Anastasio Somoza Garcia was born on Feb 1 1896. He was born at San Marcos. His parents were Julia Garcia and Anastasio Somoza. -
Anastasio parents
Anastaso Garcia was born rich in 1896. His dad was a wealthy coffee grower.Anastasio Garcia had his education in his village. And Anastasio was sent to Philadelphia to study. And Anastasio failed at running business. -
Anastasio commander
Offers held Anastasio taxes and others. US prepared to withdraw marines and and turn officers trained national guard to Nicaraguans. President Jose Moncada chose Anastasio as the commander.1928 -
liberty revolution
During the liberty revolution Anastasio joined the Liberty case. When they returned in 1928 rose in Nicaraguan politics. Reports attributed this to his talent. -
Anastasio was a decator. He also had other people to kill others. And it start in 1928 when he start cause he went to be higher up. -
After the withdrawal Jan 2 1933, guerrilla chief Anastasio made peace with the government in February. Strong hostility developed Anastasio and Sandion. Animosity climaxed on the night of Feb 21 1934, -
being life
Somoza was educated in Nicaragua in the US. Marrying the daughter of a prominent Nicaraguan family, he ensured himself a secure career. He was now became head of Nicaragua amy in 1933 -
Anastasio president
Anastasio occupied president until 1956 exception of one term when leonardo Arguello allowed in office in 1947. Arguello independent, so was ejected and replace with Anastasio Uncle. Anastasio resumed president y in 1950 after his uncle died -
His own family
Anastasio established a family dynasty in which he was succeeded. By his son as president (1956–63). And by another son, as head of the Guardia Nacional and then as president (1967–72, 1974–79). -
Anastasio Somoza Garcia death
He died on Sept 29, 1956. He died at Ancon, Panama. He was shot by Rigoberto Lopez Perez