Amos Fourtune timeline

  • 1710 born

    1710 born
    at-mun was born in 1710 in the at-mun-shi tribe and he has a sister named ath-mun
  • Africa 1725

    Africa 1725
    at-mun was with his tribe doing tribeble celebrations while they were doing that a group of white men come and get them all to be come slaves. at-mun dad was shot by one of the white people and they coolectied to be come slaves
  • the middle passage

    the middle passage
    he was brought through the jungle at noon to the harbor the be sold and moved to a coast to be sold and bought by caleb copland and they named him amos
  • Period: to

    Boston 1725-1740

    At-mun was bought by caleb copeland and he brought he home to his wife celia copeland and she was mad cause they were quakers and they didnt belive in buying slaves and that is when he named him amos
  • Period: to

    Wourburn 1740-1779

    Amos is sold to Mr.Richardson and told to serve his time and richardons dies and he gives him his freedom
  • journey to keene 1779

    journey to keene 1779
    Amos has to get a new wife and his first wife dies and he buys his 3 wife and her daughter
  • journey to keene 1779

    journey to keene  1779
    AMos is know a free man and he is single so he buys his first wife who later dies
  • the arrival at jaffry

    the arrival at jaffry
    Amos settles at jaffery white wife violet and his daughter celyinda and they move in and he gets land for free
  • Period: to

    work fills iron kettle

    Amos buys his own land and he buys a girl named Polly burdoo from the brudoo family and since the burdoo family as poor the town decided to no longer help her
  • Amos on the mountain

    Amos on the mountain
    Amos is on the mountain cause his wife hid the money cause he always spends it to help people so she told him its time to help your self and he buys his own land and couple years Amos dies on Nov. 17, 1801, living a good life