At-mun is born -
At-mun and lots others are captives to the whites the date was 1725 -
In Boston
At-mun's name also got changed the Amos. Amos was a slave in Boston 1725-1740 -
Second vendue after Caleb Copland died
When Caleb died Amos went to another vendue and Icobod Richardson Bought him -
Mr.Richardson took Amos to to Woburn in a carriage he was there for 1740- 1779 -
Richardson Made discharge paper
Richardson made discharge paper for Amos in 4 years he could be free -
Amos is free
In the same year Richardson made the discharge papers he also died. That year Ms.Richardson found the paper and though that Amos should be free so she let him free. -
Tea was dumped in the Boston Harbor
While Amos wanted to be in the army he couldn't and while that was happening tea was dumped in the Boston harbor by the colonists because they refused to pay tax. When they had no representation in Parliament. -
Amos bought Lily
Amos was a free man and bough Lily for 20 pounds -
Amos Buys Lydia
After Lily dies Amos bough Lydia -
Amos to Keene
Amos is going to Keene to sell some leather riding on Cyclopes -
First summer in Jaffrey
Now that Amos bough Violet and Celyndia. Amos And Violet got married and all 3 of then moved to Jaffary and they are starting there life together 1781 -
Amos is 80
End of 1789 Amos is 80 years old. Now Amos finally became a land owner in his own right -
Polly and Moses to Vendue
Lowest bidder shall board and nurse them in sickness and in health and pay ever expense for them except doctors bills which the town will pay in closing the town will provide . -
Amos last years
Now his last years are dawning on him -
Amos Died
Amos had lived for 91 years because he was 91 he died in 1801 -
Violet dies
Violet dies you later after Amos dies she died at the age of 73