American History timeline 1754-1877

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    A war that determined the control the vast territory of North America between France and Great Britain. Great Britain won which caused the Treaty of Paris. This war was fought primarily between the colonies of Great Britain and New France. Named the Seven Years' War from (1754-1763). I picked this even because this war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in the North America and I think it pretty significant.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was when British troops murdered 5 colonists. this is important because it would start the Revolutionary War between America and Britain. The incident occurred on King Street.
  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party
    The colonists protest against the British by dumping tea into the river. this event is important because it was one of the first and biggest protests against the British.
  • First American Flag Created

    First American Flag Created
    First American Flag Created
    Betsy Ross created the first American flag. Her flag would be the outline for the flag as we know it today. I think this is really cool because I never knew who made the first American flag.
  • Shays Rebelión

    Shays Rebelión
    Former soldier William Shay led a rebellion of 1,100 soldiers to protest against the government. This is important because it showed the central government that it was very weak at the time.
  • Our first President

    Our first President
    The first President of the untied states was elected, this man was George Washington. The importance of this was that this would set up a leader figure that would last for generations in the U.S.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The British come back to reclaim the northern territory but lose the war. This event showed that America could beat the British twice and that the U.S isn't going anywhere. I picked this event because it looms large for the Canadians and for the Native American, who see it as a decisive turning point in their losing struggle to govern themselves.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The U.S. made the Louisiana purchase. This is important because it doubled the size of the United States. The President bought this territory form France. They needed money for the Great French War.
  • The birth of Abe Lincoln

    The birth of Abe Lincoln
    Abe Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky. This is important because he will go on to become one of the most influential presidents ever. I picked this event because he is a very important person and played a big part of our history.
  • The White House burning down

    The White House burning down
    British troops enter Washington, D.C. and burn down the White House in retaliation for the American attack on the city of New York in Ontario, Canada in June 1812
  • The writing of the National Anthem

    The writing of the National Anthem
    During the defense of Fort M'Henry the national anthem was written by Francis Scott Key. This event was important because it showed how we won the battle and we gained a national anthem.
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    A civil war breaks out between the northern states and the southern states. The important thing about this event is that it ended slavery and the strengthening of the federal government. I picked this event because I think it's interesting that many monarchs in Europe had believed that the US was on the brink of collapse.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    Union and Confederate armies clashes near Manassas Junction, Virginia, in the first major land battle of the American Civil War. The war resulted in a Confederate victory. I picked this event because It made the North realize the war would not be as easy to win as they had hoped
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Emancipation Proclamation was signed. This is important because it ordered slaves free in America. I picked this event because it is very important and I think its good people were fighting to free slaves.
  • The end of the Civil War

    The end of the Civil War
    Apr 9, 1865
    The end of the Civil War ended When Confederate General Smith surrendered. This is important because this would end slavery in all of the U.S. Also the Norths victory proved that democracy worked. I picked this event because it really changed what the future of American would be like.
  • The assassination of Abe Lincoln

    The assassination of Abe Lincoln
    John Wilkes Booth kills president Lincoln at fords theater. This is important because it's the first time a president has been killed. Booth intended to revive the Confederate cause by eliminating the three most important officials of the US government.
  • Wyoming Gives Women The Vote

    Wyoming Gives Women The Vote
    This event is significant because Wyoming becomes the first state to enfranchise women, and goes on to put the right into its 1889 constitution. I picked this event because it was finally the first time women felt equal to men.
  • John D. Rockefeller,

    John D. Rockefeller,
    John D. Rockefeller forms the Standard Oil of Ohio company. By 1890, Standard Oil controlled 88% of the refined oil flows in the United States. John D. Rockefeller was a founder, chairman and major shareholder, and the company made him the richest man in modern history. I picked this because John D. Rockefeller was one of the greatest business men there has ever been.
  • The Invention of the telephone

    The Invention of the telephone
    The invention of the telephone was first introduced. This is important because it was one of the first inventions in a whole span of inventions to come. I picked this event because the invention has now turned into something that has become so important in our lives today and I think it was a turning point in history for technology.
  • The End of Reconstruction Era

    The End of Reconstruction Era
    The end of the era known as the Reconstruction is caused by president Hayes removing federal troops from the south. This is important because the south had to start treating their slaves as equals.