American History

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A war that determined the control the vast territory of North America between France and Great Britain. Great Britain won which caused the Treaty of Paris.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British troops fire into a mob, killing five men in Boston and leading to intense public protests. I chose this event because it is important.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Group of colonial Americans disguised as Indians get on ships in Boston harbor and dump more than 300 crates of tea overboard to protest against the British tea tax. I chose this event because it showed the Americans were mad at the British.
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    56 delegates meet in Philadelphia to create the first continental congress. It happened by all the delegates talking and debating things. I chose this event because it's important.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The continental congress accepts the Declaration of Independence to separate from Great Britain in Philadelphia. I chose this event because it showed the colonies apart from Great Britain for the first time.
  • territorial expansion

    territorial expansion
    The U.S. gained more territory for the first time after the U.S. declared independence from Britain. this event is important because 8 new states were implemented into the country
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was signed. the importance of this is the treaty ended the american revolution
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Farmers all over the colonies protest. They protested because of high state taxes and stiff penalties for failure to pay. I chose this event because it showed not everything was picture perfect in the colonies.
  • First President

    First President
    The U.S. elects their first president, George Washington. He was voted in by state electors. This happened in the U.S. I chose this event because our first president is very important.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    United States pays France $15 million for the Louisiana Territory. It is west from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and is about 830,000 square miles.I chose this event because it almost doubles the size of the U.S.
  • Birth of Abe Lincoln

    Birth of Abe Lincoln
    Abe Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky. this is important because he will go on to become one of the most influential presidents ever
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    U.S. declares war on Britain because of British interference with American shipping and westward expansion. I chose this event because wars are important.
  • White House burning

    White House burning
    The British burn down the the white house.
  • Writing of the National Anthem

    Writing of the National Anthem
    Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner as he watches British attack on Fort McHenry at Baltimore, Maryland. I chose this event because it is very important to our nation's history.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The Civil War was fought between the Union (north) and the Confederates (south) over slavery and state territory rights. This war was deemed the deadliest war in American history.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    After the victory at Antietam, Lincoln issued for the second time the Emancipation Proclamation, announcing all slaves that could either, escape Confederate areas or through advancements of federal troops, would be free.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    When Confederate General Smith surrendered, this marked the end of the Civil War. This would soon lead to the end of slavery in all of the U.S.
  • Assignation of Abe

    Assignation of Abe
    On this night, John Wilkes Booth assassinated president Abraham Lincoln. This made Andrew Johnson president, which doomed the Reconstruction and condemning of the South to being poor and undeveloped.
  • The invention of the telephone

    The invention of the telephone
    The invention of the telephone was first introduced. this is important because it was one of the first inventions in a whole span of inventions to come.
  • The End of the Reconstruction Era

    The End of the Reconstruction Era
    At this time the Republicans had given up their fight for racial equality and black's rights in the south. The Republican governments collapsed when Hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the south, ending Reconstruction.