Henry Lidell Born
This is when the helper and creater of these ideas was born. Henry lidell was born so then he would later become a good friend and helper to Carroll and his writngs. He would then introduce his daughters and the book would start to unravel from there. -
John Tenniel Born
This is when John Tenniel is born. He is the one to do all the pictures in the books. This event is important because if he was not born then Liddell would not have the pictures in his books today. This was an important time beacuse Tenniel added life to the book and to the making of this amazing world wide known book. -
Henry Liddell is appointed as dean
This is when Henry Liddell comes to the Christ Church of Oxford. This was important because this is when him and Carroll meet each other and they start to bond and become good friends. And from that friendship he meets his family and daughters and then they bond and then the story comes from there. -
Christ Churh in Oxford
This is when Lewis Carroll is enrolled into the Christ Church in oxford. He went there to study mathematics but eventually became very good friends with the dean and his family when they came to the school. He became closer to his daughters and especially Alice. This is where he met her and this is when they would start to collarborate these great ideas for this story. -
Alice Liddell
This was when Alice Liddell was born. Little did Lewis Carroll know that she would be the muse for his great book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." She would later meet Lewis Carroll and she would be the inspiration for Alice and the whole book. Her being born was the real start to this book. -
Carroll and photography
This is when Carrol starts to get into the arts. He is getting more into creative thoughts and ideas. Him starting photography helped him be artistic and it could have well led him on to writing this book. Him taking pictures helped him get into arts and writing and was another good inspiration for the book. -
masters degree
Carroll finally recieves his master. He now has more knowledge and more creative thoughts. This master degree helps him to get on the track of writing more. It could be another good contribution to the writing of this book. When he gets this degree it helps him to add mor information to what he already knew. -
Crrol is ordained as a deacon in the church of England. This could be a good contribution to the story too. That is because it could help him get leadership skills and give him even more ideas and thoughts that he might have added into his book. he vowed to be celibate and this could also contribute to being a leader and giving him strength to overcome anything. -
The Golden Afternoon
This afternoon is when Lewis Carroll went out with Robinson Duckworth and Henry Liddell's three girls. During this boat ride Lewis Carroll tells them a story of a girl named Alice, and how she was bored one day so she went out on an adventure. Alice Liddell then suggested that he write this story down so he did. The very next day he started to write the manuscript. -
Hands Alice Liddell the manuscript
Lewis Carroll finishes the final mauscript fro "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." He then hands it to Alice Liddell to read since she was the inspiration for this story. This copy had pictures srawn himself. He gave it to her as a christmas gift. This was important beacause it was the start the first actual copy of this book.