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Alfonso XIII's Timeline

  • Birth

    King Alfonso XIII of Spain was born in the Real Palace of Madrid.
  • Period: to

    Alfonso XIII's Reign

    Alfonso was the king of Spain until the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic, when he voluntarily left. His mother acted as a regent for him until at the age of 16, in 1902, he was crowned as the Spanish King. During his reign, Spain lost Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines.
  • Marriage

    After being looking for a suitable consort and meeting Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, he decided to marry her. Although there were some obstacles which didn't allow him, he could manage and they finally got married
  • Alfonso's sons

    Alfonso's sons
    The first son of Alfonso was born. His wife was an haemophilia carrier, and this made Alfonso to distance himself from her. Two of his sons inherited this condition.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    First and only monarch who has been nominated for a Nobel Peaze Price, although he didn't won it.
  • Exile

    He left the country when the Second Spanish republic was proclamed in order to avoid a civil war, but did not abdicate in a formal way.
  • Accusation

    Alfonso was accused by the Cortes of high treason, and this law was later repealed by a law signed in 1938 by Franco.
  • Civil War

    He became the senior heir of Hugh Capet and he was acclaimed by some French legitimists as King Alfonso I of France and Navarre
  • Waiver of rights

    Waiver of rights
    Alfonso renounced to his rights to the extint Spanish throne in favour of Juan.
  • His death

    His death
    He died due to a heart attack in Rome.