Alexander The Great (356 B.C - 323 B.C)

  • 356 BCE

    Alexander was born

    He was child of Philip II, Lord of Macedonia, and Olympias, the princess of neighboring Epirus and conceived in Pella, the antique capital of Macedonia.
  • Period: 356 BCE to 335 BCE

    Childhood and training to be a king

    His childhood was spent with his sister, Cleopatra and his mother. His father Phillip the second was constantly at war fighting for Macedonia. His mother was his inspiration. Alexander and his sister were raised in the royal court by their mother who was a strong role model. 
  • 339 BCE

    Solidified the economy of the vast land by creating currency

  • 336 BCE

    Became the new king of Macedonia

    And started conquering land.
  • Period: 332 BCE to 323 BCE

    Became Pharaoh of Egypt

    He conquered Egypt first with his troops. He was viewed as one of the best military geniuses.
  • 331 BCE

    His army wanted to revolt

    They needed to return home to see their spouses and children. Alexander agreed and his armed force turned back.
  • Period: 331 BCE to 323 BCE

    Conquered Asia and became Lord

    He took his biggest army in order to conquer Asia
  • Period: 331 BCE to 323 BCE

    His sister became his lover

  • 330 BCE

    First person to unite all Greece.

    Except Sparta and Creta
  • Period: 330 BCE to 323 BCE

    He conquered Persia and became king

    He became ruler. He always would fight in first line. This was his biggest success. He conquered Babylonia and Persia, including the city of Susa.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander died

    He died of a fever in Babylon, being one of the greatest leaders in history