Death -
He and 2 frineds of he found the mayfly Academy Olimpyc -
He invent the cameras in his taste for discover something -
The 1º teory
In 1905 when he was work in the office of patentes in Berna he said his 1º teory the teory of the relativity special -
He invent the microchip in his taste for discover something -
Relativity general
In 1015 he preset the teory Relativity general -
He invent the laser in his taste for discover something -
The light
in a eclipse he confirmed the curvature of the light -
The price
In 1921 he win the nobel prize of the phisic -
He invent the refrigerator in his taste for discover something -
He invent the TV in his taste for discover something -
Atomic Energy
He invent the atomatic energy in his taste for discover something -
He invent the microwave in his taste for discover something -
The last year of the work
In the last years of her work he work for integrate in one same theory the strenght gravitational and the electromgnetic -