
Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein was born

    Albert Einstein was born
    Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His parents were Hermann and Pauline Einstein. He had one sister named Maria (Howard).
  • Einstein Graduates Secondary School (High School

    Einstein Graduates Secondary School (High School
    Einstein started secondary school at Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich, Germany. he didn't like it there so he dropped out and moved with his parents to Switzerland where he finished high school at ETH Zurich. He met his first wife Mileva Maric there and graduated at 16 years old (Howard).
  • The Photoelectric Effect

    The Photoelectric Effect
    This was Einstein's first paper he published. this paper was about how a beam of light can cause metal atoms to release sub atomic particles. A device was made to prove this by causing the particles to speed up cause the particles to be released (Howard).
  • Special Theory of Relativity

    Special Theory of Relativity
    Einstein wrote a 30-page paper explaining how you can find out how to figure out the energy needed in an object to move. Einstein came up with E=MC^2 in an earlier paper but he uses it now to figure out an objects energy. The speed of light is a large number so the littlest of object still have a lot of energy and that's why atoms are very explosive (Nuclear Engineers).
  • The Car

    The Car
    The Car was an important invention in the early 20th century. transportation was very slow and with the new technology new ideas came about. Henry Ford in 1903 made the first Ford Model T on the first moving assembly line also created by him (Guerreo).
  • Period: to

    World War I

    The first ever world war started in 1914. It was started by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. This resulting in two countries fighting and allies fighting with them causing everyone to eventually be involved (The Week UK).
  • General Theory of Relativity

    General Theory of Relativity
    This theory helped make Einstein famous. He discovered that when light gets near a large object it bends due to the large object that warps the space-time. He also figured out why black holes don't let light escape because its so large in size which light gets bended into(Fox News).
  • Women at War

    Women at War
    During WWI there was a shortage in men at war. In Great Britain for the first time ever in the world women were allowed to go to war. By the end of the year hundreds of women were in the army (Guerreo).
  • Women's Rights to Vote

    Women's Rights to Vote
    Women were finally given the right to vote in 1920. It is the 19th amendment added to the constitution. Many women wanted the right to vote and they weren't given that right for a long time (Guerreo).
  • Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Wins Nobel Peace Prize
    Albert Einstein was awarded the Noble Peace Prize for physics. he was awarded this mostly for his photoelectric effect. He won the award in 1922 but he won for the 1921 prize because nobody met the requirements for 1921 (Noble Prize).
  • Television

    The first television was made by a Scottish man named John Baird. Various transport rods were put together. Putting those rods together helped get broadcasting signals (engineersgarage.com).
  • Enistein Moves to America

    Enistein Moves to America
    Albert Einstein came to America for freedom. Since he was from Germany her wanted to get away from the Nazi's. They were burning all of his books and papers whenever they saw them, they were doing all of this because he was a German-Jew which made him a target to Hitler. So he fled Germany and moved to America (The Borgen Project).
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    World War II

    The second ever world war started in 1939. This war was started by Germany attacking Poland. When they got attacked Great Britain declared war on Germany and just like in WWI allies with those countries fought as well (WWII).
  • Enistein helps create the atomic bomb

    Enistein helps create the atomic bomb
    In 1940 Einstein figures out that using his E=MC^2 he found out that atoms are very explosive. he is then asked to help make an atomic bomb to be used in war. They use the bomb on Hiroshima and destroy the city (Bolton).
  • Einstein Helps Create the Hydrogen Bomb

    Einstein Helps Create the Hydrogen Bomb
    The hydrogen bomb was created thanks to Einstein. Einstein was against this though thinking it would cause the world to end. It was created based of the principles of the atomic bomb when they realized that hydrogen was more explosive (Einstein).
  • Albert Einstein Died

    Albert Einstein Died
    Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey. He died of at 76 everything about his funeral and burial were very private except his brain was removed for scientific purposes (TIME).