Albert einstein 1

Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein is Born!

    Albert Einstein is Born!
    He was born on this date, from then on his on-going learning formed deep. He was from a jewish family, well off with a moderate income. The young boy was born with an intense curiosity and creativity which made Einstein who he was. Einstein was smart and when his growing cult personality was at its height near WW1 he was respected and admired so much that soon made his name synonomous with "Genius" .
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    Albert Einstein's Life and Contributions to Science Timeline

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    Albert's Direction

    By age 12 he was a student at a prdigious school called the Luitpold Gymnasium. At the same age he moved Italy with his family and tried to finish High School there but decided to try North in applying into the ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland. He was 16 at the time when he applied.
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    Moving on in the Course of Direction

    In late summer 1895, at the age of sixteen, Einstein sat the entrance examinations for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich. He failed the required standard in several subjects but obtained exceptional grades in physics and math. Failure did not deter him but nonetheless he decided to finish his secondary schooling at a school in Aarau, Swizterland. At the end of his secondary He finally secured his admittion into the ETH then finally taking citizenship after.
  • On the course to the future

    On the course to the future
    Einstein After securing his physics degree a friend introduced him to another physicist named Ernst Mach, who helped influence him in his life and work.
  • His Imagination

    His Imagination
    After struggling for 2 years he finally got a job in Berne at the Federal office for intellectual propety; evaluating patents for electromagnetic devices. Also during this time he managed to start a club with likeminded friends called the "Olympia Academy" which studied the works Poincare, Mach and Hume. These people had a profound influence on him during this time.
  • Realizing Energy is equal to Mass

    Realizing Energy is equal to Mass
    This year while still working in the patent office he had published four papers to a leading German physic journal by himself. They would be collectivly called together the Annus Mirabilis Papers. Hollisticly they delt with the particulate nature of light - expanded into the photoelectric effect combined with the electrodynamics of moving bodies and paper on mass energy equivalences. This culminated into his grand equation of E = mc2. This year was recognized as Einsteins most wonderful years.
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    The course to Greatness

    In 1905, he recieved a promotion at the Office to a technical examiner. He was continuing his education always and by 1908 he was a privetdozent at the University of Bern. 1910 he wrote another paper describing the culmunating effect of light scattered individually by molecules in the atmosphere, proving the scientific reason why the sky appears blue. A year before that another paper was his "Development of our views on the composition and essence of radiation", on the quantization of light.
  • On the course to Greatness

    In 1906 he recied a promotion at the patent office and continued to garner his studies in the meantime. Continuing his publishing of how light works in "The Development of our views on Composition and Essence of Radiation" ; It gave the photon concept which was later used to prove the wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics.
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    The road of greatness

    1909 saw Einstein leaving the patent office into an associate professor at the University of Zurich then quickly after moving to being a professor at GCF University of Prague; Published another path breaking paper on the effects of gravity on light.
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    The theory of relativity was published by Einstein at this time when he was a member of the Prussian Academy of Science and professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin, free from mainly other teaching duties in favor for more research.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Further recognition followed and in May 1919 scientists confirmed Einsteins prediction of gravitational deflection of starlight by the Sun and subsequently awarded an Nobel award in physics.
  • Further Development in Quantum Mechanics

    Further Development in Quantum Mechanics
    In the 1920's quantum mechanics was developed into a complete theory. Still Einstein didnt see eye to eye with the "copenhagen" interpertation of quantum theory developed by Neil Bohr but was still intrigued to see different view points or possibilities of the same field.
  • To America

    To America
    Einstein left his home and began his final adventures and journeys of his quest of knowledge to America where he was offered a professor job at Princetons IAS which he maintained that relationship with up until his death.
  • Nuclear Warfare Rising

    Nuclear Warfare Rising
    Leó Szilárd and a group of other prominent physicist's tried to warn America of the overwelmingly glooming efforts Nazi Germany were taking in an attempt to build the first nuclear wepons So on a persuasian to lend Einstein's prestige to warn then president FDR of the awaiting German efforts, Einstein told the president to 'go ahead' on the project that led to "Manhattan" but also kept him aware of the dangers stemming from the project itself. Einstein was well aware and advocated to stop it.
  • Death of Albert Einstein

    Death of Albert Einstein
    Continuely advocating his ideas and political positions, Einstein's growing awareness on political issues and such made him advocate peace and diplomacy and for the dissarmament of nuclear wepons technology. Still he played an active role in public affairs and in the end his loss was not forgotten. He passed away on the date in 1955 from internal bleeding, He was 76 years old., he was regared as one of the most greatest scientists of the twentieth century.