Human relations


  • Robert Owen

    Was a Welsh-born social reformer.
    His philosophy was known as Owenism.
    Came up with the idea that by treating workers better, productivity and profits would increase.
    Introduced new reforms: He stopped employing young children and encouraged employees to stay clean and sober.
  • Frederick Taylor

    Inventor; the optimum shovel is his best known invention.
    Began a movement called the scientific management in the early years of the 20th century.
    Industrial Engineer who tried to find the “one best way” to do a job.
    Criticized as someone who cared more about production than the needs of the workers.
    He showed how decisive the human element is in the performance of any organization.
  • Max Webe

    Max Weber was a political economist
    1904- Max Weber wrote the book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
    Saw that human relations problems were caused by favoritism, nepotism, and other unfair practices.
    Bureaucratic Organizations Approach was a system meant to be impersonal and rational.
    Each person had specific duties/responsibilities based on abilities and talent.
  • Mary Parker Follet

    Studied philosophy and political science.
    Known for her lectures and writings on human relations but became interested in management.
    She said that happy workers = more money for the company.
  • Knights of Labor

    The Knights of Labor was founded in 1869.
    The founders condemned bad working conditions and unfair treatments in workplaces.
  • Elton Mayo

    Was the driving force behind behind the Hawthorne Studies and translations of his work appeared in German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Arabic.
    Social psychologist from Harvard University.
    Traveled to Hawthorne and and stayed there for nearly 5 years(1927-1932)
    Showed that workers at Hawthorne performed better because someone was paying attention to them.
  • Frank(1868-1924) & Lillian Gilbreth(1878-1972)

    Both industrial engineers and scientific managers.
    Well-known for for research study of bricklayers.
    Frank identified 18 different motions that had been used by bricklayers-reduced 18 motions to 5.
    Lillian was interested in studying workers and their reactions to working under stressful conditions.
    Helped influence Congress to pass child labor laws.
    Was among the first women in America to receive a Ph.D. in psychology.
    Was known as “The First Lady of Management.”