Al Capones day of birth
in 1899 Al Capone was born. He was born into a immagrant family in brooklyn, New york. He started breaking the rules as a young kid. -
Its The Start
He left school in the sixth grade at age 14 and joined a street gang . When he was accepted to the street gang he showed respect. He then met the gang leader and became close to him, His name is Johnny Torrio. -
Al Capones Love
Al capone was at a dance minding his own as a bouncer. When he noticed a women that he couldn't keep off his mind. Her name was Mary Mae. -
Al Gets Married
Mary ended giving birth to Al's baby. His name was Albert Sonny Francis. Mary then married Al on december 30 1918 -
First Charge
Al Capones first arrest was on disorderly conduct. he also killed two people in new york. he was a real gangster! who had no fear -
The Real Mob
With Johnny Torrios invitation Al Capone joined Torrio in Chicago and ended up being the lieutenant of the Colosimo mob. They then started to go against prohibition and sell brews to local people in chicago. But soon enough Capone started to take control. -
Money Matters
Capone started to pay off the news papers, plumbers, anyone he could to keep good in Chicago. Eventually he payed off almost every buisness in Chicago. Even the mayor! -
Big Boss
Johnny Torrio got wounded in a assasination attemtp and left Al Capone to be the big boss! By now he had built a fearsome reputation. Other gangs and mobs in chicago started to disapear -
Bloody Valentines
Al Capone had just bought a new vacation house in Florida and was spending time with his wife. As he was there seven members of the "Bugs" were at a factory waiting for a shipment of alchohol. Right before it showed Al Capones men showed up dressed as police put all the men up against the wall and fired them down! -
Big Jail Time
Capone was convicted on November 24 and was sentenced to eleven years in federal prison. This was all for interest due on back taxes and owing the state money! He eventually was sent to Alcatraz.