The First Anecdotes
Readers are introduced to Wole Soyinka, his family, his friends, and his environment. -
Ch. 2 anecdote
Woke wants to go to school with his sister, but he is still to young. So the next day he wakes up as early as she does, grabs some books, and follow his sister and their "aunt". The teacher allows him to stay but it is not mandatory. He makes a new friend who shares a similar like. They get in a lot of trouble together. -
Ch. 3 anecdote
Wole can finally see the parades of his parsonage from the fench. He gets lost when he attends one and a white officer takes him home. -
Ch.4 and 5 anecdotes
In Ch. 4, Wole gets a lesson in bathing, In Ch.5, Wole wants to be liked, so he lied about being the one who "owns" the private rock, Jonah. While at home, Wole starts to daydream and thinks of the gun his dad uses in their hunting trips. Wole caressed the gun and it went off and flew right by Wole's ear. He was sacred so he ran to "Jonah". Also in Ch.5, Wole's dad teaches him about what he did wrong on taking off the flower part of the flower in his dad's garden. -
Ch. 6 and 7 anecdotes
Ch.6 anecdote starts with Wole pretending to be asleep but is actually observing what his family does after he is asleep. Also a major fight breaks out in Ake over a sensitive matter. Ch. 7, Wole is growing up and becomes an older sibling to a brother who he fights. Also he becomes an older brother to a sister who dies due to an injury before her first birthday -
Ch. 8 and 9 anecdotes
Ch, 8 starts with the improvement of Wole's home and the war strengthening. Wole meets a new family member, his uncle. His uncle and his brother's name means wild one so they change Wole's brother's name. Ch 9, Wole learns a lesson in prostration. A friend of his father teaches Wole on how to cut down things from a tree and on how to properly deal with a snake and a bee attack. Wole ask his grandfather what he does in a flight or fight moment. Wole learns a lesson from it. -
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Ch. 10-15 anecdotes
From Ch. 10 to 15, Wole grows into an adult and reflects on his childhood. Not wanting to waste his life any longer, Wole went to Abekuta Grammar School, which for a writer to be is cool. He grows in wisdom and in thought over why Hitler would commit mass genocide. A lot of thought stirring events happen like women protest and common Nigerian festival were most of these protest happened. This is were the book ended. Wole has been in college and he is watching a women's protest happen.