Age of Reason Timeline

By amykrx
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus's Life

    He died on May 24th, 1543
  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to

    The time period where everyone rebelled

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei's Life

    He died on January 8th, 1647
  • Dec 27, 1571

    Johannes Kepler's Life

    He died on November 15th, 1630
  • Apr 1, 1578

    William Harvey's Life

    He died on June 3rd, 1657
  • Thomas Hobbbe's Life

    He died on December 4th, 1679.
  • Thomas Hobbe's Life

    He died on December 4th, 1679
  • Oliver Cromwell's Life

    He died on September 3rd, 1658
  • Charles l"s Life

    He died on January 30th, 1649
  • Charles ll's Life

    He died on February 6th, 1654
  • John Locke's Life

    He died on October 28th, 1704.
  • King Louis XIV's Life

    He died on September 1st, 1715
  • Isaac Newton's Life

    He died on March 20th, 1726
  • Peter the Great's Life

    He died on February 8th, 1725
  • William and Mary's Reign

    I could not find the exact day in February of their coronation. Mary died in 1694, and William died in 1702.
  • Montesquieu" Life

    He died on February 10th, 1755
  • English Bill of Rights is passed

    English Bill of Rights is passed
  • Voltaire's Life

    He died on May 30th, 1778
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Life

    He died on July 2nd, 1778
  • Maximillian Robespierre's Life

    He died on July 28th, 1794.
  • American Revolution Timespan

    Still do not have exact dates, but it ended in 1783.
  • U.S, Declaration of Independence

    U.S, Declaration of Independence
    Yay. Freedom.
  • U.S. Constitution is ratified

    U.S. Constitution is ratified
  • French Revolution Timespan

    It ended in 1799 (don't have exact dates)
  • Bastille Prison is attacked

    Bastille Prison is attacked
  • Joseph-Ignace Gulliton propsed the guillotine

    Joseph-Ignace Gulliton propsed the guillotine
    What a hero.
  • Reign of Terror

    It ended on July 28th, 1794.