The Move
Seth and his family move to Galveston, Texas, because his father wants him and his brothers to become doctors. -
Lucky Break
After the move Seth was lucky enough to get a job as a carpenter's assistant until school starts back up in about a month. -
School Starts Up
School starts back up and he has to quit his carpentry job. -
The Warning
Mid-day at school Seth is notified that there is a storm warning going on currently. Within half an hour the water was up to his ankles. -
The Wave
Running through the streets he sees a humongous wave coming in towards the town. IT hits a bulding and takes parts of it away. -
Fateful Moment
As he is scrambling down the flooded roads he comes across a person and after a minute of looking he realises it is his mom and sprints towards her calling her name. -
After many hours Seth and his mother find their house which is only a top floor now. They find a way to get into the house and find the rest of the family safe and sound. -
After realising how deadly Galveston really is they decide to move away and let Seth follow his dream of becoming a carpenter.