In the begginging of the story, Braydbury intoduces the two main character, Travi sand Eckels. The story takes place in the UnitedStates in 2055, and tikme travel exists. Eckel gets a ticket to go back to the time of dinosurs, so he can shoot a T-Rex. TRavis works at atht e Time Safari Inc and that company send people back in tike for hunt games. -
rising action
When Eckel go back in time, he goes back 60 million years. There are certaim rules that he must follow in the past, he can not step of the path of the hunt. The purpose for the rule was because if they stayedon the bath, they would not be damaging the outcome of the future. The emphisis that Travic puts on the path is a forshadow of what occured ater in the story. AFter Eckels listenes and fully understanded the rules, he was ready to look for the T-Rex -
The hunting group is out, and eventually the T-Rex apperes. Eckel is amazed by the dinosour, and is no longer sur if he wants to shoot it. She he oes back tot Travis and confids in him asking what he sould do. When he returns he steps of the path, he had been told not to step off of, and unknowingly kills a butterfly. -
falling action
As Eckel returns to the time machie he had mud on his shoe, and Travis realizes that Eckel stept of the path. He thinks about just leaving Eackel there and returning without him, but Eckel offershim a hundered thousand dollars and the idea is gone. Travis makes Eckel get the bullets out o the dinosour and they soon after retun to their time of living. -
The men return to their time, and as the men come out of the machne, they find that Kieth who won th presidence is no longer the preisent and that Deutscher is. There was a sign on the wall that wa no longer ledgable to th men. Eckel reazlizes that there is a butterfly on his shoe an that it must have been from when he steped off the path. He wanted to know why he couldnt go back, and Travis shot his gun.