A nation divided

  • Eli Whiney

    Eli Whiney
    Eli created the cotton gin,it made the jobs easier for the slaves because it could separate a lot more than the slaves could.
  • Denmark Vesey

    Denmark Vesey
    his occupation was a carpenter,and for a lot of years he was planing a revolt,but after the word got out him and 39 other people were killed for planing a revolt.
  • Sonjourner Truth

    Sonjourner Truth
    she was also a public speaker and she would bring people from England and would speak about slavery. from 1830-1839
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    he published the liberator and he was a leader of the abolitionist moment. 1830-1839
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    Frederick Douglas

    he was a public speaker and he brought so many followers for the new England antislavery society, he also made the north star (newspaper) for black readers.
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    Theodore Dwight Weid

    he was a person that traveled the world and gave speeches on slavery and how is it bad.
  • Nat Turner revolt

    Nat Turner revolt
    he was a plow man and he led a revolt with ten other slaves killing 13 white men and later him and 10 other people we executed.
  • Joseph Cinque

    Joseph Cinque
    was a person that was on a ship going to american and he ordered the sailor to go back to Africa so they changed their ways and then in the night they changed again to headed to new York and by the sunrise they were taken as inmates
  • The Amistad

    The Amistad
    was a revolt because they had been put in a cargo container and sailed into a storm and they ended up getting out and killing the people on the boat because they were sleeping.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    he made a statement saying that every man should be free no mater the laws and what people believe