
A.E. Housman

  • Works cited

    "Poet: AE Housman." Academy of American Poets, n.d. Web. 08 May 2014.
    "AE Housman Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 09 May 2014.
  • Born

    Alferd Edward housman was born in Frockbury, Wochestshire, England
  • St. Johns

    St. Johns
    He earned an open scholarship St. Johns college in oxford where he studied classics. He efirst class Honors In classics in 1879
  • Met Jackson

    Met Jackson
    housman was a reclusive guy but he became very close friends with his roommate moses jackson. Eventually housman fell in love with Jackson. Jackson, being a heterosexual, did not reciprocate.
  • Period: to

    Worked as a clerk in the patent office

    Jackson set up a job for housman at the patent office. Housman worked there until he was offered a job as a professor. all the while he was working indepentently on his study of classics and writing poems
  • Offered a job as A professor

    Offered a job as A professor
    his independent work on the classics gradually earned him a reputaion and he was offered a job as a latin professor at the UNiversity College of london. He accepted
  • Published "The shropshire lad"

    Published "The shropshire lad"
    After the death of his friend aldabert jackson hosueman published his first collection of poetry at his own expense. Most of the poems revolve around themes of early death, sadness and nostalgic depictions of rural life.
  • Period: to

    Study of Marcus Manilius

    Housman studied the works of Marcus Manilius, a roman astronomer. His anotated version of Marcus's work earned him acclaim as a scholar and it became the authoratative version of the time
  • Last poems published

    Last poems published
    His final collection of poetry was published. Many historians think housman published them for jackson
  • Death

    He died at the age of 77 in his sleep in a hospital in Cambridge
  • Posthumous Publication

    Posthumous Publication
    Housman's brother lawrence published the "Complete Poems"