his dad laft him
his daddy left and leaved his mother and his son with a guiter and a empty bottle of booze and he named him sue -
the end
sue choked up and thre his gun down and called him pa and he called him back son and he came away with a different point of view and he think him now and than every time he tryed and evry time he win and whan he is going to have a son he would call him anyting but sue. -
he had to fight his whole life
his father must have thought it was a joke that he named him sue and bebause of his name he had to fight his whole life -
he grew up
when he grew up his fist got harder and his wit got keen he roam from town to town to hide his shame hand he vow to find his father and kill him -
he found his father
when he hit a town he stoped at a old saloon and he saw his father at one of the tables -
he saw him and came to him
he knew it was the snake that named him sue from an old worn out picture that my mother had he knew it was him from the scar on his cheek and his evil eye and he looked at him and his blood ran cold and he sayed "my name is sue how do you do now you gonna die" -
the fight started
he hit him right between the eyes and he went down but when he got up he came with a knife and cut a piece of my ear but he busted a chair right across his teeth thay crashed through the wall and into the street
Kicking and gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer -
the end of the fight
his father fought like a animal and when he run to get his gun sue pulled his gun first his father stood there look at his with a smile -
you have to be strong
his father told him that a man need to be strong to survive thats whay hi called him sue -
he can do what he wanted to do
his father sayed that he fought one hell of a fight and he knows that sue hates him and got the right to kill him and he dosn't balme him but he want's sue to thank him before he die.