7.0 Overview of Human and social services

  • James Lind

    James Lind
    James Lind was born on October 4 , 1716.He past away on July 31 , 1794. His area of influence was dietitcs. Lind gathered a group of crew memebers and gave them two oranges and one lemon per day. Some got other things like apple cider vinegar. James Lind wa a man who found a cure for a disease called scurvy . This disese was caused by a lack of vitamin c. The symptoms was: bleeding gums, loosened teeth, stiff joints, and internal bleeding .
  • Eli weaver

     Eli weaver
    Eli weaver was the person who funded Ana Y. Reed. He is the reason she was able to go out and do the counselling services.
  • Ellen Swallow Richards

    Ellen Swallow Richards
    Ellen Richards was born on December 3,1842. She died on March 30,1911 the cause of her death was heart failure.Ellen became a leader in establishing a sciencetific basis for home economics, in her studies of groceries int he promotion of good nutrition. Also she helped women by opening the door for women too follow science education in careers. Her areas of incfluence was Dietitcs and Human services.
  • James Cattell

    James Cattell
    James Cattell was born on May 25,1860. He died on January 20,1944. His area of influence was counselling. He was the first person to come up with a IQ test.
  • Ana Y Reed

    Ana Y Reed
    Ana y reed was born on Septemebr 1, 1864. She died on February 21, 1949. Ana developed guidence programs focused on employabilities.
  • E.G. Williamson

    E.G. Williamson
    He was born on August 4 , 1900. He later on died on January 30, 1979. He developed what is considered to be the first thesis of counselling. He also served with a group of people to get a job done on counselling in Vocational Rehabilitation and Education.
  • Carl Pfriffer

    Carl Pfriffer
    Carl Peffier was born on March 19, 1908;he died on Nov ember 19,1988. Carl was a biochemist and Physican . He researched allergies and other diseases. His area of influence was dietitcs He wrote several books on nutrition , trace minerals , and biochemist imbalances. He also did reachers on How mental health and nutrtion have a connevtion. The two have a connection because the food we eat and the chemicals they have in them or the lack of fats in the food we need cause problems.
  • Doris Calloway

    Doris Calloway
    Doris Calloway was born on February 14 , 1923. She past away August 31,2001. Her area of influence was dietitcs. Her studies on food and calories helped us by knowing how many calories we should take in ,so we want take in too much so it want harm our body. Also food and calories have a relation ship because food is calories and caloriesis in food