Zen and The Art of Faking It by Prince Redd

  • Period: to


  • Exposition Settig

    Exposition Settig
  • Exposition Backround

    Exposition Backround
    San Lee has been kicked out of every school
  • Exposition Characters

    Exposition Characters
    Zen is a really shy person in this story but likes this girl and is shy to talk to her.
  • Rising Action1

    Rising Action1
    Zen Lee likes this girl in his class but is to shy to talk to her
  • RIsing Action 2

    RIsing Action 2
    He does not have alot of friends in this school
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Zen knows alot about what hes learning because of his old school
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Zen Lee embarresse himself in front of his class on his first day of school by being weird
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    He imbarressed himself in front of woody with his devastating exibition shots
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    He had a moment with woody but got inturupted suddenly
  • Climax

    Zen makes lots of friends and is not as shy to talk to woody
  • faling action 1

    faling action 1
    Zen and Yen run into each other
  • faling action 2

    faling action 2
    Zen and his sister are reunited as brother and sister
  • faling action 3

    faling action 3
    Zen learn portageese so he could impress woody
  • resolution 1

    resolution 1
    Zen is more popular in school and his long crush on woody paid of
  • resolution 2

    he finds his mom and dad and they are a family again