Literature 3330647 1920

21 Teaching Languages to Young Learners: Patterns of History

  • 1582

    Richard Mulcaster

    Richard Mulcaster
    He was a teacher in Elizabeth London who spoke up eloquently for the use of English in his First part of the Elementaire.
  • Wolfgang Ratke

    Wolfgang Ratke
    Opened the first German mother tongue school at Koethen in Saxony.
  • Comenius

    Rakte's follower, the great Comenius, underlined the central role of the mother tongue in the child's exploration of meaning in his Great Didactic
  • Joshua Poole

    He said that when he comes to the construing of a Latin author, he shall from the signification of his words in construing.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    he elabotaed multiple points in his book Some Thoughts Concerning Education.
  • Daniel Duncan

    He said that the learning of dead languages is a yoke that neither we nor our fore-fathers could ever bear when we were children.
  • Rousseau

    Rousseau published Emile and Education.
  • Frenchman and Saveur

    Frenchman and Lambert Sauveur founded the Direct Method.
  • Stanley Leathes

    Was set up by the Board of Education to look into the whole question of modern studies including the future of foreign languages.
  • William Penfield

    He supported the view that pre-adolescent children were particulary well-suited to the acquisition of foreign languages.
  • 20%

    Foreign languages were reserved for bright adolescents, the top 20% or so who had passed the entrance test to the grammar schools .