Women are given the right to vote. I think this is important because everyone should be able to vote. -
Babe Ruth starts streak of an extra-base hit in 9 straight games. Ithing this is important because he was a good baseball player. -
The American Pro Football accosiation was renamed National Football League. I think this is important because people like to watch football. -
The United States signs friendship treaty with Cenral American Countries. I think this is important because they signed the treaty to not fight. -
The History of science society organized at Boston. I think the is important science you can learn things. -
A Radio Station begins broadcasting. I think this is important because you can listen to the radio in your car. -
The 12th Rose Bowl Alabama beats Washington 20-19. I think this is important because people like to watch football. -
The U.S. President Calvin Coolidge created the Federal Radio Commision. I think this is important because you can talk on the radio. -
1st U.S. Air-Conditioned office buildings open. I think this is important because you will have a air conditioner at work. -
The U.S. and Canada agree to fix the Niagara Falls. I think this is important because you can look at the Water Fall. -
The 1st Diesel Engine Automobile trip completed. Ithink this is important because you can have a diesel truck to drive.