18th Dynasty - 21st Dynasty

  • Period: 1630 BCE to 1523 BCE

    Hyksos Dynasty (End of 17th Dynasty)

    This was a time when the Hyksos established themselves in the delta around 1600 BC and spread their rule over much of the Nile Valley. This changed the attitudes of the Egyptians. This Dynasty came to a close when they were eventually expelled from Egypt. They were militarily stronger which enabled them to stay in power for so long (45 years). Their use of weopens such as bronze swords, scimitars and daggars made them very powerful.
  • Period: 1630 BCE to 1523 BCE

    Thebes during the Hyksos Dynasty

    While the Hyksos ruled Egypt, a dynasty of princes from Thebes contiuned to rule in semi-independance but paid allegence and ribute to the Hyksos kings.
  • Period: 1630 BCE to 1523 BCE

    Key leaders of the Hyksos Dynasty

    The Leaders were a group of foreigners moved into the delta from Palestine. There was King Apophis, who was a Hyksos King, King Seqenenre Tao II, King Kamose ( Who took over the Hyksos Dynasty by defeating the King), Queen Ahhotep and King Ahmose (who helped with the expulsion of the Hyksos and the reunification of Egypt).
  • Period: 1562 BCE to 1495 BCE

    Queen Ahmose Nefertari

    She was the most able, respected and beloved woman of her time, with a reputation almost without equal in the history of Egypt. She had the greatest religious status, she was given the title of God's wife of Amun. Her spouse was King Ahmose.
  • Period: 1549 BCE to 1292 BCE

    The 18th Dynasty

    This was a time of great prosperity for Egypt as they had 4 rulers that helped transform the Egyptians state. They did this through adopting superior military weapons, this enabled the Egyptians to increase the effectiveness of their army.
  • Period: 1549 BCE to 1524 BCE

    King Ahmose I

    He liberated Egypt from the Hysos, His military success was recorded in his tomb. He conducted a series of campaigns against Averis, the Hyksos capital. He then drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.
  • Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Thutmose III

    He was the epitome of a warrior Pharoah. He established 17 military campaigns extending over a 20 year period, he established Egypt as the undisputed master of Syria and Palestine. He was a great leader as he had great use of Clemency, diplomacy and threats of force in maintaining Egyptian control.
  • Period: 1478 BCE to 1458 BCE

    Queen Hatshepsut

    She was a Queen that became a King as she assumed the role. She ruled alongside Thutmose III, and she was senior partneer in an official co-regency with Thutmose III. Her reign marked the beggining og the real power of preists of Amun. While she ruled she embarked on a vigerous building program, particularily in Thebes, and expanded trade.
  • Period: 1388 BCE to 1353 BCE

    Amenhotep III

    He Reigned for 25 years. He was described as being a warrior king, who was fearless and brutal. He ruled Egypt with diplomacy rather than force. During his rule, there was an abundance of wealth pouring into Egypt, through trade and tribute. Because of this wealth, Amenhotep III was able to build many new buildings. He inititated the greatest building boom of the eighteenth dynasty. He gave most of his attention to the city of Thebes and built temples at Karnak and Luxor.
  • Period: 1353 BCE to 1336 BCE


    His rule is referred to as the Amarna Period. He reigned for 17 years. He built a new capital city dedicated to the Aten. He initiated a religious revolution which focused on the sole worship of the sun-disk known as Aten. Because of this, the temples of other gods were closed and their priesthoods disbanded. He also contibuted to the loss of Egyptian prestige and power abroad. They had threats to the throne as the Hitties launched a suprise attack on them.
  • Period: 1332 BCE to 1323 BCE


    He was a very young Pharoah, he began ruling at age 9. He was crowned in the Karnak Temple, in Thebes. Ay was Tutankhamun's advisor until he was old enough to rule alone. He built many statues of the cheif gods. He built a statue of Amun, made out solid gold, inlaid with precious stones. Many surrounded Thebes. He reinstated work on the Temeple of Luxor and Soleb, and the Sphinxes.
  • Period: 1323 BCE to 1319 BCE


    He ruled for a short time, either 4 or 5 years. during his reign, he continued the policy of rehabilitating Amun (A god) and abandoning the extreme aspects of Atenist (Religion started by Akhenaten) religion.
  • Period: 1306 BCE to 1292 BCE


    After Ay's death, Horemheb was crowned Pharoah at Karnak. His aims as Pharoah were to restore law and order and disassociate from the atenist heresy. He destroyed all reminders of the Aten heresy. He wanted Egypt to return to its best state
  • Period: 1290 BCE to 1279 BCE

    Seti I

    His ambition was the renewal of Egypt which he hoped to achieve by following the examples of the eighteenth dynasty. He wanted to regain control in Syria and to equal in magnificence the building of Amenhotep III. He wanted to conquer Kadesh and Amurru, Gain a hold on Palestine. He acheived his objectives.
  • Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE

    Ramesses II

    He reigned for 67 years. He wanted to build a new city, which he planned to call Pi-Ramesse. He used many natural recources such as gold which he used to such extremities that they had to stop mining in Egypt and begin to mine in Nubia. He wanted to recapture many territories in western Asia.
  • Period: 1213 BCE to 1203 BCE


    He faced many dangerous external threats, but he faced them with vigour and determination. He had prevented a threateened revolt in Palestine, he defeated a force of Libyans and Mediterranean people who attenmpted to invade lower Egypt. During his reign, Egypt was stable and firmly intact with peace.