Period: 30,000 BCE to
Beginnings to exploration
1200 BCE
Mesoamerica is many countries that had similar things. For example, many Latin American countries, because most of them shared the same lanuage, people, and culture. This is important in my timeline because it is showing what brings different countries together with the similarities that they share. -
The Crusades
The Crusades were religious wars between Christians and Muslims. This was started because they both wanted to gain control over holy grounds. This event is important in my timeline because it shows how the different religions would fight over grounds, and to what extent their wars went. -
The Renaissance
The word Renaissance means "rebirth". During this time period in the 14th-17th centuries, Europe was transitioning from middle ages to modernity. In this time era, many art was made and many new inventions. This event is important to my timeline because its showing the new start of Europe and how it improved during this time period. -
The Black Death
The Black Death was a time period where many people were killed due to diseases. This disease spread across all of Europe. It killed about 70-200 million people. This event is important to my timeline because it shows an unbelievable death, and disease that killed a great amount of Europe's population. -
Architecture in 1420 was really different to how things are today. This is what started the construction of many different buildings that are still up today. To this day there are interesting buildings still up from many years ago. This is important to my timeline because it was something that made a huge difference throughout the world and what made many famous buildings and sights. -
Colombian Exchange
The Colombian Exchange was an event where countries exchanged many things including: plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology and ideas. This event is important in my timeline because it shows how they would trade things for other resources that they could only get from other countries. -
Caribbean Colonies
The Caribbean colonies started because Christopher Columbus discovered the land and said it was Spain. In the Caribbean colonies, that is where most of the first early explorations were found. This event is important in my timeline because it was the founding of many caribbean places that are famous today, and that are visited by people all over the world. -
The reformation is events included in the Christian Church. This happened because there was many problems being spotted in the church by many people. That is when the people decided that there needed to be changes to be made in the catholic church. This event is important because this is an event that changed the way the catholic church worked forever. -
Fur Trade
The Fur Trade was an era where selling animal fur was very popular. This was very popular because back then they did not have many things to cover themselves with during the very cold nights. This event is important in my timeline because it shows what resources they would use in extreme climates. -
Triangular Trade
The Triangular Trade was a trade between countries where the countries would pay their imports by exporting materials to other countries. The things included in the triangular trade were copper, cloth, trinkets, guns and slaves. This event is important in my timeline because it is showing how countries also lived off of other countries resources. -
Charter Colonies
To be a charter colony, it meant that you were apart of America, but you were under British Rule. The colonies that were chartered from the United States included New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. These 8 colonies were apart of the U.S. but were under British rule. -
English Colonization
In the Americas this began around 1607 in Jamestown. English Colonization had reached its highest point once many towns in America had already been established. This event is important in my timeline because it shows how they would come and take over towns in the Americas. -
Chesapeake Colonies
The Chesapeake Colony was made up of Virginia, Maryland. In this colonies tobacco was very popular. This is what people made their money off by selling Tobacco during this time period. This is important in my timeline because it is showing how people would use their resources to live off of. -
The first slaves were brought to Virginia after they were seized from a Spanish slave ship. Slaves were people who worked labor for many white people. They were bought and traded for many years. Also they were all treated very poorly by their masters, they were constantly being abused and being treated unfairly. This event is important in my timeline because it shows how whites would treat African Americans, due to the reason that they were not white and they were considered "colored". -
At the beginning of time, immigrants were mostly African Americans who came to settle, but over the years many people from many different countries would come to America because of all the resources available here. This event is important in my timeline because this is something that is still happening to this day, many people still come to America to find new opportunities. -
Plymouth Colony
This is the first colony to settle in New England. Since it was the first, this colony was later established as the capital. It was later made into the the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. This is important in my timeline because it shows the establishment of the Plymouth Colony. -
New England Colonies
The new england colonies included many colonies from the americas. The four new england colonies are New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode island and Massachusettes Bay Colony, these were all colonies that were a part of the 13 original colonies. -
Colonial Economies
This was a system of consumption and production in colonies. These were started so the colonist could meet the necessary supplies needed in order to survive. This included areas for settlements, raw materials and different things needed in order to survive. This is important in my timeline because it is showing the resources towns used to use in order to survive. -
Navigation Acts
This event is related to the Acts of Parliament. The Navigation Acts were made to restrict colonial trade to England, they wanted England to stop being so dependent on other countries goods.This event is important to my timeline because it shows how England wanted to control the governments power over trade. -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trial was an event where they killed many people because they thought they were doing witchcraft. It all started when a group of girls claimed to have been possessed by the devil and accused other women of doing witchcraft on them. This event is important to my timeline because it shows how unfairly people were, they would kill based on what other people accused them of. -
Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad were lots of secret routes and passages that they would take slaves through to try to help them escape. This went on for many years and there were specific people who would help slaves escape like Harriet Tubman. This is important in my timeline because it shows ways that people would try to help slaves escape. -
Act of Union
The Act of Union was two acts of parliament, which were the union of Scotland act, and the union with England Act. These two were different states but they were both under the same monarchy. Before the Act of Union was established, there were many attempts to unite the two states. This is important to my timeline because it is showing how they tried uniting England and Scotland. -
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was an event that mostly took place mostly in Europe. In this event people thought they were "lighting" up Europe after the dark ages. Many things improved including reason, liberty and the scientific method. This event is important because it is showing a time period where Europe was trying to make a comeback and was trying to improve itself. -
The Great Awakening
This event was a religious revival. Christian leaders traveled through towns to talk to people about gospels. During this time, people really started to get into the religious things. Many people started making their own religious churches during this time period so they could follow their own beliefs. -
Enlightenment Ideals on America
This Enlightenment is what led up to the American Revolution. The Enlightenment gave America a philosophical view of the American Revolution. To America this revolution was showing a view of how they wanted democracy to be. This is important to my timeline because it shows that the American Revolution was just more than a protest against the English. -
Seven Years War / French and Indian War
This war was a war fought between the French and the British. The reason they were fighting was because they both had frontier issues with each other. They both wanted to extend their frontier influence and since they both wanted to do it, that is the reason of what caused the war. This event is important in my timeline because it showed how countries would be like with each other. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was an act that put a tax on everything. The colonist would have to now pay taxes for paper. It did not matter what it was for, if it was required paper they had to pay a tax for it. This Act later on caused many disagreement between the colonist and the government. This event is important because it is showing the start of many other event later on in history. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre is an event where the colonist tried to go against the British soldiers. They provoked them by throwing rocks at them, that is when the British soldiers decided to fought back and shot at them. Although only five people died, it is still considered a massacre. This is important to my timeline because it shows how even back then people would try and rebel against the government -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party is an event where angry colonist dressed as native Americans and started throwing the governments tea off of the ships. They did this because they were angry because the government had passed a tax on tea. This event is important in my timeline because it is one of the examples of how colonist would rebel against the British government. -
Dunmore Proclamation
The Dunmore Proclamation was signed by John Murray, the fourth Earl of Dunmore. The purpose for this proclamation was to declare materal law and it promised freedom to slaves who joined the Royal forces. This event is important in my timeline because it showing an important document and what it promised to slaves. -
Common Sense
Common Sense was a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine. He wrote this pamphlet to express his opinion towards Americas Independence. He wanted America to gain independence from British Colonies, and during this time period pamphlets were really popular everywhere. This is important to my timeline because it is showing how people would place their opinion against the British Colonies, it shows ways that did not include violence. -
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson. In this document Thomas Jefferson is stating that the United States of America is no longer under British rule and that it is becoming independent. This document is important in my timeline because it is one of the most famous documents in history because it is when the U.S had gained independence form Great Britain. -
Articles of Confederation
The articles of confederations was an agreement between the 13 colonies. This documents served as the first constitution between the original 13 colonies. This document was made so each colony could have its own opinion, and so people could have their own opinion. This is important to my timeline because it is showing what document was there before the real constitution was even made. -
Massachusetts Constitution
This document is known as the "Commonwealth of Massachusetts". This is one of the oldest written documents and it showed as a model for the original United States Constitution. This document is important to my timeline because it helped construct the United States constitution. -
Battle of Yorktown
This battle was a battle led by General George Washington against British General Lord Charles Cornwallis. This battle started because America was trying to gain its independence from Great Britain. This is significant in my timeline because it is one of the major battles in the American Revolutionary War. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris is what ended the American Revolutionary War. Many Americans negotiated the treaty with Great Britain, including Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. In this treaty it is where Great Britain accepted the independence of the United States and it gave them their land back. -
Shay's Rebellion
The Shay's Rebellion happened due to the fact that colonist were angry because they were being charged taxes in order to help the government pay the debts due after the war. Many colonist did not agree with this unfairness and they all revolted and rebelled against the government. This even is important because it shows how the government would try and make the colonist pay for war debts. -
Constitutional Convention
This convention was held so they could have an overview of the Constitution of the U.S. In this convention they all stated their opinions in what they each thought should change or stay in the constitution. This is important to my timeline because it is what made the constitution to how it is today. -
Northwest Ordinance
The northwest ordinance made a governments for the Northwest territories. This provided a way to admit new states into the union from these properties in the Northwest. Also it gave a Bill of Rights to these territories. This is significant in my timeline because it allowed the union to recruit members from their territories. -
Election of 1788
The election of 1788 was the first ever election. The winner of this election was George Washington, he was the first of many. After this election it was the start of many more elections. This is important because it was the first time people got to vote for representatives, and they had a say in who should run the country. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the constitution. These 10 amendments state the basic rights of the every person in The United States of America. The first 10 amendments are the most popular amendments in the constitution. This is important in my timeline because the Bill of Rights is one of the most important things for everyone in the U.S and it is what gives everyone freedom. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The whiskey rebellion was a rebellion against the government because they put a tax on all liquors. The people that were most affected by this were the drunkards to who would drink every single day, because they all had to pay a tax if they wanted to purchase liquor. This is important because it showed that at one point they tried to put taxes on everything, but yet the colonist would always rebel against them. -
Bank of the United States
The Bank of the United States, was known as the "First Bank". This bank was a national bank. Alexander Hamilton built this bank to handle the debt due to the war. It was also built to form a currency. This is significant to my timeline because it is showing the first every bank in the U.S. and it explains the reason why Alexander Hamilton built it. -
Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was a very popular invention in the south. It gave people more jobs (including women). Even young kids would be working with the cotton gin. However, they had these people working in bad conditions. The factories where they would work at were really hot and in bad conditions, not to mention the machinery was very dangerous for kids to be around. This event is important because it shows an invention that was very popular in the south and it benefited lots of people. -
Election of 1796
This election was known as the "first contested american election" It was also the first time that they could pick a president and vice president form opposing teams. This is important in my timeline because it was the first for many things in this election. -
Adam's Presidency
John Adams was the second president of the United States and his presidency last from March 4, 1797 through March 4, 1801. This is important because John Adams was known as one of the founding fathers of the United States and he was the first ever vice president. -
Election of 1800
During the Election of 1800, some people referred to this as the "Revolution of 1800" In this election the vice president beat the former president. Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams. This is important in my timeline because it is known as the Revolution of 1800. -
Hamilton vs. Burr
The Hamilton vs. Burr was fought in New Jersey. In this battle it was Hamilton vs. Burr and they were both standing across from each other waiting for one of them to shoot first. In this duel Hamilton gave Burr the opportunity to shoot the first shot, that is when he shot the bullet that killed Hamilton. This is important because it shows the way on how Hamilton died. -
Madison Presidency
During this time period, Madison served in office from March 4, 1809 through March 4, 1817. He was known as one of the founding fathers in America. He was also named the "Father of the Constitution" because he helped draft the constitution and the bill of rights. He is important in my timeline because he did many things that helped the U.S. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was fought between The United States and Great Britain. This war started mainly because of British violations to the United States. This event is important to my timeline because it is a well known war and because the U.S. won most of this war. -
Panic of 1819
The panic of 1819 was caused because of the wars. Banks in all the countries failed and mortgages were foreclosed. This caused people to be kicked out of their homes and farms. This failure called lots of unemployment all over the U.S. This is important because it shows a part where the U.S. was at its lowest. -
McCullough v. Maryland
The McCullough v. Maryland was when the supreme court had passed the powers under the necessary and proper clause. They passed this because they wanted to start the construction of the second bank in the U.S. This event is important because it shows how they tried to establish the second national bank. -
Missouri Compromise
The missouri compromise was passed by congress because they basically wanted to take away the political rivalries caused by the request of Missouri. They wanted to be admitted as a state where they could have slaves. This event is important to my timeline because it showed ways that missouri tried to become a slave state. -
Second Great Awakening
This event was a religious revival during the 19th century. This awakening grew mostly during this time period. This time period was important because it led to many movements. The movements included were the temperance movement, womens suffrage movement, and the abolitionist move. This event is important because it was the start of many movements. -
The Transcendentalism was a movement that started in Eastern United States. This later rose as a protest against the state of spirituality. This is important in my timeline because it is another one of the beliefs that people used to have back then. -
Monroe Doctorine
The Monroe Doctorine was made so the United States would not interfere with other affairs in the world. President James Monroe is who wrote the Monroe Doctorine to keep the United States out of problems with other countries like Europe. He was considered the protecter of the western hemisphere. -
Election of 1824
In This election, John Quincy Adams was elected as president. This election was mainly decided by the house of representatives. In this election the parties split into four different parties because there was four different people running. This is important because it is a time where there were more than two major parties running. -
Presidency of John Q. Adams
John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States. His presidential term lasted from March 4, 1825 through March 4, 1829. Before becoming president he was the eighth United States Secretary. This is important because it gives a description of president John Q. Adams and how he ran in different ways. -
Jackson Administration
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States. Andrew Jackson is best known because he is considered as a national war hero, because he helped defeat British in the Battle of New Orleans. This is important because it shows how he helped the U.S. -
Election of 1828
The candidates running in this election were John Quincy Adams against Andrew Jackson and it was a rematch between the two. The person who won this election was Andrew Jackson. This event is important because it shows that these two candidates ran against each other more than one time. -
Changes in Communication
In this time period there were many new inventions. One of the most inventions was the telegraph. When they invented the telegraph people liked it a lot because they did not have to travel for days just to give someone a message. the telegraph helped many people with this problem. This is important because it is showing ways how the U.S. was improving. -
Abolitionist were people who did not support slavery. They rebelled many times to try to stop slavery because they saw that it was inhumane the way they would treat slaves just due to the fact that they were African Americans. This shows that many people did not agree with slavery and rebelled to put a stop to it. -
Changes in Transportation
During this period, the U.S. advanced dramatically in their new ways of transportation. This helped people because it was easier and way faster to travel through steamboats. Instead of having to travel for months by horse, the reduced the travel a lot by inventing steam boats. -
Temperance Movement
This movement started because many people were against the consumption of alcohol. Many people wanted to get rid of alcohol forever, but they could not because in this time period people loved alcohol and there were many drunkards. This is important because it shows how people had very different opinions about different things. -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner's Rebellion, was a rebellion against slavery. Many people rebelled because they were against slavery and they wanted to put an end to it. The Rebellion mostly consisted of African Americans because they were tired of being treated poorly and tired of being owned by whites. -
Election of 1832
In the Election of 1832, the candidates running were Andrew Jackson against Henry Clay. This was an easy win for Andrew Jackson because they just reelected him. This is important because Andrew Jackson was reelected many times until they said that presidents can only serve 8 year terms. -
Election of 1836
In this election the candidates running were Martin Van Buren against William Henry Harrison. The winner of this election was Martin Van Buren, also he was the only candidate to be running in the democrat party. The other three candidates were all apart of the Whig Party. -
Middle Passage
The middle passage was a ship where they would cross slaves over the ocean. They used to have slaves all scrambled up together laying down in the bottom of the ship. Since the conditions in the ship were very bad, many of them died on the passage. However, they did not take out the dead bodies, so at times slaves would have to be laying next to dead bodies. This event is important because it shows how poorly they treated slaves. -
Election of 1840
This election was between Martin Van Buren against William Henry Harrison. In this election Martin Van Buren fought to be reelected but lost to William Henry Harrison. This is important because it shows that not all former United States presidents are reelected. -
Manifest Destiny
The Manifest Destiny was a belief that people had that they were meant to expand through North America. Many people believed this because since they were into religion back then, they thought that it was God telling them that it was their destiny to expand across North America. This is important in my timeline because it is showing how much people believed in God. -
Texas at first was a part of Mexico, until the United States of America took it from Mexico. It is a state that forms its border with Mexico. It also consists of many different people from different cultures. This is important in my timeline because it is where most of were born here in Texas, and it is good to know where this state came from. -
Mexican American War
The Mexican American War started because the United States wanted to expand their land. Also because the United States wanted to gain more slave states, and Mexico did not agree with slavery so they went to war. This war is important to my timeline because it is one of the events that is the reason of why the U.S. is how it is today. -
Suffrage is when people do not get the right to vote. This was mainly popular for women because during this time they were seen as a minority and did not have the right to vote yet. This event is important because it is showing what women had to go through just so they could gain the right to vote. -
California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush is when they first found gold in California, after this many people migrated to California in search of gold. Many people would use the gold they found as many and would trade their resources in exchange for gold. This event is important because it was one of the first discoveries of gold in the U.S. -
Election of 1848
This election was the 16th election in the United States. The candidates for this election were Zachary taylor vs. Lewis Cass. Zachary Taylor won, he was apart of the Whig party. This event is important because it was the first election after the Mexican American War, and it was a part of the aftermath of this war. -
Mass Transportation
Mass Transportation is considered "public transportation". This started once the United States had advanced dramatically in transportation. This transportation made it easier for people to travel from place to place without having to take a long time. -
Popular Sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty was created after states decided that the people of their state should have a say in what happens in the United States. People agreed with this because at first they thought it was not fair that they did not have a voice, and with popular sovereignty they would all have a voice. This is important because it shows the start of when people could vote for their representatives. -
Compromise of 1850
In this compromise it is when Senator Henry Clay proposed many compromises to stop the fighting between the north and the south. This is important because it shows that there was actually people trying to stop the conflicts between these states so they would not have to go to war. -
Election of 1852
In this election the candidates were Franklin Pierce against Winfield Scott. The winner for this election was Franklin Pierce. Franklin Pierce was also a former senator. This is important because this was the last time there was a whig party in an election and it is also considered the aftermath of the compromise of 1850. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed people to vote themselves if they wanted their state to be a slave or a free state. Also if they wanted the borders around them to be a slave or free state. This Act replaced the Compromise of 1820. This is important in my timeline because it is showing that some people in the U.S actually got a chance to vote if they wanted slavery. -
Bleeding Kansas
This was a violent confrontation over the decision if there should be slaves in Kansas. Kansas rebelled because they wanted to enter as a free state. They did not want to be a Slave State because they did not agree with slavery. This is significant in my timeline because it is showing that many states did not agree with slavery. -
Republican Party
The Republican Party is one of the two major parties in politics. This party was made in 1854 and is still one of the two major parties to this day. This is an important event because it describes how this famous party that is still used today, was invented. This party is the party that has the most people in the U.S. -
The North in 1860 was the superior side because they had many advantages because they had many advanced things including railroads, they had a bigger population and more advanced equipment like guns and bombs. This event is important because it is showing how the north was compared to the south and what advantages they had during the war -
The South did not have as many advantages as the North did, due to their population and due to the fact that they were not as advanced as the north was. However, the south did have very good generals. The south could have won the Civil War because they had good generals, but due to the fact that the north had more advanced utilities, was the reason why the south lost the Civil War. -
Trent Affair
The Trent Affair was an incident caused during the American Civil War, this affair proposed a war between the United States and the United Kingdom. This affair was started when the U.S. army captured people from a British ship. This event is important because this affair could have caused a new war for the U.S. -
Twenty Negro Law
The Twenty Negro Law was laws passed by the confederates during the war. They passed these laws because they were afraid that many slaves would rebel due to the fact that many white men were in the confederate fighting the war. This is important in my timeline because it is showing how white men would deal with slavery even when they were off fighting in war. -
Free-Black Communities
In these Free-Black Communities, many former slaves would work hard to try and build a good community for themselves. Many worked to make schools, stores and things like that. They found this as an opportunity to start a new life, so they did their best to rebuild a life for themselves. This is significant in my timeline because it shows how slaves were after being freed. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was given by Abraham Lincoln. This is what freed all slaves and what made it illegal to own slaves all over the U.S. However, this angered many slave states because all the south's slaves were being taken away. This event is important because this is the document that freed all slaves. -
Conscription Act
This is also known as the "enrollment Act" The united States passed this during the first wartime draft of the United States. many were angered because of this because if they were drafted, that meant they had to fight in the war even if they did not want to. If they did not join the army once they were drafted, then they were sent to jail. -
Black Codes
These laws were passed after the American Civil War. The purpose of these laws were to restrict African Americans who had just gotten their freedom, so they would not actually be free. They passed laws that made being poor illegal, so in a way the southerners could get their slaves back without it being illegal. This is significant in my timeline because it shows ways that southerners would find in order to keep their slaves from actually being freed. -
40 Acres and a Mule
This event occurred after the Civil War. 40 Acres and a Mule was an event where they promised African Americans that had just been freed, that they would each get 40 acres of land. However, this did not happen. They lied to the African Americans and they never received their 40 acres that they were promised. This event is important because it shows how African Americans were treated unfairly even after they were freed. -
Freedman's Bereau
The Freedman's Bereau was created by the government to help former black slaves and poor white people after the war. This provided them food, housing and medical aid. However, it did not go through all the way, due to not enough funds. This event is important to my timeline because it is a way that the government tried to help people after the destruction of the Civil War. -
Abraham Lincoln Assassination
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth at the Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. He was assassinated because John Wilkes Booth was apart of the confederacy and he did not agree with Lincoln, he wanted to revive the Confederate. He planned to do that by killing Lincoln and others important in the U.S government. This event is important in my timeline because it is showing the death of a president and the reason why he was killed. -
The Lost Cause
The Lost Cause is an idea of the confederates that they had that was even though they lost the Civil War, their reason for fighting was a great one. This idea was invented right after they had just lost the Civil War, it was a way of uplifting their self esteem to say that even though they lost, they tried for a reason that they believed was right. -
Grant Administration
This time period is named Grant administration because it shows the scandals caused by ulysess s. grant. It also shows the problems that he brought to the U.S. this is important because it shows that even presidents would cause scandals. -
Nature in 1872 was kinda similar to how it is now. Back then they would live off of all the resources that nature provided them. They depended mostly on nature to keep them alive. This is important because it shows what they lived off of when they did not have many resources. -
Election of 1876
This election is known one of the most disputed elections in history. The candidates running in this election were samuel j. tilden against rutherford b. hayes. The winner of this election was samuel j. tilden, he out poled rutherford b. hayes in the popular vote. -
Acts of Parliament
An Act of Parliament is basically what can create or destroy a law. This is one of the most famous Acts because it is basically used in every occasion when there is a new act added in the world. This is significant in my timeline because the Acts of Parliament is something that has changed lots of things in the world. -
Great Migration
This event was the movement of millions of African Americans out of the rural southern parts and into northeast and midwest urban areas. This is important because it is a movement where they had to move many African Americans to different places. -
The Great Debate
This debate was held against harlow shapely and heber curtis. They debated because they disagreed how the universe was made of. This is important because it showed that even with the universe, people disagree on it and nobody really knows what it was made of.