Douglas engelbart6

Douglas Engelbart

  • Engelbart was born on january 30, 1925

    Engelbart was born on january 30, 1925
    Engelbart was born in the U.S. state of Oregon on January 30, in 1925 He is an American inventor and early computer pioneer of German, Swedish and Norwegian
  • his father death

    He lived in Portland in his early years, and moved to the countryside to a place called Johnson Creek when he was 10, after the death of his father in 1935
  • Graduated from high school

    Graduated from high school
    He graduated from Portland's Franklin High School in 1942
  • Graduated from university

    Graduated from university
    And he graduated from Oregon State University just at the end of World War II
  • His First experince

    His First experince
    As a graduate student at Berkeley he assisted in the construction of the California Digital Computer project in 1947.
  • he started to think invent something

    he started to think invent something
    After attending the California Digital Computer project he left there when it was clear he could not pursue his vision there because this project was not enough for his needs. when he got engaged and suddenly realized he had no career goals beyond getting a good education.
  • First computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart

    First computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart
    After researching many years on Digital Techniques
    Douglas Engelbart invented the first computer mouse in 1968. At first this computer mouse was made from wood and it was going only one side.
  • At present

    At present
    After inventing the first computer mouse, Douglas Engelbart became very famous. Now he is 84 year old and enjoy his retirement.