Gregor Mendel, he discovered the principles of heredity.
from working with plants, Mendel knew that the patterns of inheritance were not always clear. -
Mendel decides to use pea plants becuase they grow fastly and it was a way that he can see heredity soon. -
Mendel, decided to study only one kind of organism. because he had studied garden pea palnts before, they seemes like a good choice. -
Once Mendel´s experiments were rediscovered and understoo, the door was opened to modern genetics. Genetic research is one of the fastest changing fields in science today. -
Erwin Chargaff found that the amount adenine in DNA always equals the amount of thymine. And he found the amount of guanine always equals the amount of cytosine. His findings are known as Chargaff´s rules. -
Two scientists deduce the structure of the DNA. -
Watson and Crick, the two scientists were also trying to solve the mystery of DNA´s structure.
They conclude that DNA must look like long, twisted ladder. -
Rosalind Franklin, was able to make images of DNA molecules. In this process, X-ray diffraction to make these images.When an X-ray hits a part of the molecule, the ray bounces off. The pattern made by the bouncing rays is capture on film. Franklin´s images suggested that DNA has a spiral shape. -
Wilkins found the in vivo B-DNA X-ray diffraction/scattering patterns of highly hydrated DNA fibers in terms of squares of Bessel functions. -
Scientists continue searching for information about how it is make, and in what does it consist of. -
David Davies,began working with synthetic polyribonucleotides made using the polynucleotide phosphorylase enzyme discovered by Grunberg-Manago and Ochoa. -
The firts DNA-RNA hibridization. RNA was still 1 year in the future, and there was not a great deal of understanding of the major components of information transfer. The DNA double helix proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953. -
Hybridization to this microarray revealed the presence of a previously uncharacterized coronavirus in a viral isolate cultivated from a SARS patient. To further characterize this new virus, approximately 1 kb of the unknown virus genome was cloned by physically recovering viral sequences hybridized to individual array elements. -
Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello, garding the control of the flow of genetic information via RNA interference or RNAi, gene silencing by double-stranded RNA gave them the honor of being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology.