French and Indian War
Changed the relationship between the colonies and Britain. Left Britain in debt. This is important because several European countries were involved in it. -
Second Continental Congress
Convention of delefates from the 13 colonies that started meeting on May 10th, 1755 soon after welfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun. This is important because it served as the acting government of the colonies during the war. -
Sugar Act
A tax on sugar and other merchandise, colonists wanted a say in how much they were being taxed. This is important because it made the colonists revolt -
Stamp Act
The english imposed a tax on most papers involving business transactions, playing cards, newspapers, or other items. This is important because it was the first law passed having to do with raising money. -
Committees of Correspondence
Shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. This was important because it was a communtication network. -
Boston Tea Party
A direct action by colonists in Boston, against the British government and monopolistic east india company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. This is important because the parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. -
First Continental Congress
Convetion of delegates from 12 British North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774 early in the American Revolution. This is important because Britain changed and adopted stronger measures. -
The Declaration of Independence
A statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 which announced that the 13 American colonies. This is important because on July 4th, congress approved the final draft. -
Final Declaration of Independence
The final Declaration of Independence was approved on this date. This was important because it was a communtication network.