Treaty of Versailles Signed
Woman get right to Vote
The war helped women take on new roles and it also helped the get the right to vote. They helped a lot during the war, they took on job that the men had and did them well. I think it is important that they have the right to vote because they are part on the US and should have a say in what happens. They can do the same jobs that men do and should be allowed to chose what they want to do and not be criticized for it. -
30,000 Fascists marched on Rome
US stock markets crash
Middle income people stared buying stock. They paid for a little of the stock and borrowed the rest from the stockbroker. It worked as long as the prices were rising. One day the stocks were going down so everyone was selling and no one was buying so it collapsed. It is important because it shows how the US can make a come back after a rough time. It isn't easy to come back from something like that but we had good presidents that helped with that. -
Amelia Earhart is first female to fly across the Atlantic solo
Planes were becoming very popular. Everybody liked the exploits of the aviation pioneers. They thought they were cool and so did Amelia Earhart. She became a pilot and was the first women to fly across the Atlantic ocean. This is important because it shows that women can do anything that men do. That anyone can do anything that they want to do. They just have to want to do it and stick there mind to it. Nothing is impossible you just have to try. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to restore Americans’ faith in their nation.
It was the first presidential election after the depression had begun. People were confused at what was happening and needed someone to lead them. His confidence appealed to the people and they elected him as president. This is important because the US was in a bit of a rough time. They needed someone to lead them in the right direction. and Roosevelt was the person to do so. -
Hitler announced plans to his advisors
Hitler denounced the Treaty of Versailles
Congress passed three Neutrality Acts
The belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided is isolationism and many Americans supported it. They thought that World War 1 was a very costly error. So they passed laws that banned that sale of arms with a nations at war and banned loans. It is important because they didn't want to get involved in another war that didn't benefit them at all. There was no need for them to join in the war so they want to try to prevent it from happening again. -
Army leaders, favoring a Fascist-style government, joined General Francisco Franco in a revolt
The Munich Conference
Mussolini proposed a meeting of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy in Munich, Germany when France and Britain were preparing for war. Britain's prime minister believed that he could preserve peace by giving in to Hitlers demand. It is important because they were trying to make peace with Hitler by giving him what he wanted. That doesn't always work. and that is what ended up happening because Hitler wanted more and more. -
German Invasion of Poland