
years of crisis

  • push the germans away

    push the germans away
  • represent

    a representative for the military tells the legislature that the war is lost and that the discussions for the armistice should start being discussed. the politicians are not ready for the discussion and they did not know anything about it. its significant because it shows that the people were left in the dark about the war and nobody knew exactly what was going on at that point and time.
  • austria leaves

    Germany had many allies before the war started but soon after it had begun the countries that were tied to Germany left because they were much to occupied with restoring their own country instead of breaking it down. i think its important to know this because it shows us that war really is terrible and no one wants to be at war with another country.
  • the unveiling of the cenotaph

    the unveiling of the cenotaph
    the cenotaph is a monumental viewing for people who had been killed and hurt in the first world war. i think this event was important because it gave the people with losses something to view and remember their loved ones by. it also honors the men who died for their homes and the people they loved.
  • Treaty of St Germain-en-Laye

    Treaty of St Germain-en-Laye
    the signing of the treaty gave Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia their freedom. land was taken from Austria to give to Italy who joined the Allies side in 1915. Austria was also given land when Burgenland left Hungarian rule and joined in Austrian control.
  • pay up, germany

    the allied countries are in very bad shape after world war 1 so the reparations committee declares that Germany has to pay them $28 billion for the next 42 years and more to make up for the damage that they caused on the allied countries land. i think this is important because it shows us just how much was destroyed during the war. it is significant to the countries that it happened to also because they deserve the money and profit their countries would receive from Germany.
  • the march on rome

  • still waiting, germany

    Germany is not paying their dues like they were supposed to do to restore the countries that were harmed by the war. troops from France have started to barricade the border of Germany because workers have started to leave their jobs and Germany gives money to those with no job when they should really be paying for the mess that they caused with the war.
  • Nazi incoming

    Nazi incoming
    Hitler leads 3 thousands Nazis to try to overthrow the democratic government. He is caught and sentenced to prison and he writes a book about his philosophies in life. the Nazis are still a group by the time Hitler is let out of prison to lead the Nazis again and this time into success
  • stock market crash