Treay of Versailles Signed
Women Earn the Right to Vote 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment added to the United States constitution allowed women to have the right to vote. Ever since the United States was first founded women were not allowed to vote, in fact they never had the same rights as men did. This event is definitely historically important because even to this day women are still able to vote, so it changed the importance of women in the world. -
First Commercial Radio Broadcast (KDKA)
Extreme Inflation of Germany
Mein Kampf Published
Through Hitler’s life after World War I Hitler began writing a book known as “Mein Kampf”. This book title translated into English means “My Struggle”. This book was a huge influence on the German people just by showing a blueprint for the Third Reich. Historically this is important because Hitler laid out his political agenda to go to war with France, Russia, to eliminate what he considered “impure” races, and to have absolute dictatorship fourteen years before World War II. -
Stock Market Crashes
This event in America set up the following years for The Great Depression when about thirty billion dollars was lost in the course of one week. On black Tuesday of October investors were really hit because they usually trade about sixteen million shares a day on the New York Stock Exchange, thousands of investors were wiped out. This is historically important because when this event occurred not only did it effect America but it effected the rest of the industrialized world with it. -
Amelia Earhart Flys Accross the Atlantic
Hoover Dam Completed
The Hindenburg Disater
The Hindenburg was a zeppelin that was built with light framework that protected a gas filled inside, they are lifted by a hydrogen gas, which is highly flammable. When the Hindenburg was attempting to land the ship burst into flames falling to the ground. This event was historically important because it was an interaction between Germany and America before World War II, the Hindenburg only took about thirty seven seconds to be completely destroyed. -
The Night of Broken Glass
Anger from German people over the assassination of a German official in Paris caused violence against the Jews went across the Reich. In two days about 250 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were ransacked, and Jewish citizens were killed. The reason the night got its title is because of all the broken glass from the shop windows left in the street. This event is historically important in history because it shows how cruel German people were towards Jewish people. -
Gandhi Writes Letter to Hitler
In 1939 Gandhi wanted to avoid going into World War II by writing two letters to Hitler. The first letter was written in July 1939 which basically told Hitler that he was the only man who could stop war from happening because of his military, power, and control. This is an important event in history because it shows interaction between two iconic figures of history Gandhi and Hitler.