League of Nations
The world's first international security organization is created the United States. But the United States does not join and Germany and Soviet Russia are not admitted to join do to their role in WWI.
The reason I find this event important is because it marks the beginning of the time of peace in Europe as WWI is resolved and Russia begins to fall apart while Germany is getting punished. -
Stalin Rises to Power
Stalin defeats the last of his enemies rising to power carrying out the ideas of Lenin. Besides his ideas of complete control at all costs killing many innocent people in the process.
The reason Stalin's rise to power is important is because it begins another cycle of Russia falling into communism. And the threatening times for its citizens as their lives are at stake constantly if pointed out by anyone saying they oppose Stalin himself. -
The Great Depression
The American stock market crashes beginning the Great Depression. Many Americans lose their jobs unable to buy food or requirements needed to live.
This event I see as important because do to the downfall of America's stock market other trading partners such as Europe become affected as. Leading almost the whole world into a Great Depression sending multiple countries people into bankruptcy unable to afford the cost of living. -
Japan Invades Manchuria
Japan declared war on China in Manchuria. But The League of Nations did not help because they new Japan just wanted to conquer Manchuria which they successfully did.
The reason this is an important event is because once Japan invaded Manchuria The League of Nations did nothing to stop them lowering the faith and trust of the organization. Along with Manchuria being over taken and becoming part of Japan at the time. -
Third Reich
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany allowing for him and his followers to take almost immediate control. In the process creating the Third Reich his anti-Jewish hate group and other minority league.
I see this event as being important because it marks the start of Hitlers dictatorship in Germany. And the beginning of his hate/military groups used to round up and exterminate the Jewish committee as a whole. Fueling the fire then for WWII to begin as Europe goes into another bloody war. -
Russia Joins the League
Soviet Russia joins the League of Nations. In hope of stopping the spread of the Nazi regime threatening Europe.
This event seems important because it begin the reversal of what the League of Nations wanted where Germany was suppost to be a barrier against communism. Instead Russia has joined to help the allies stop the spread of the Nazi regime. This event also marks to start of violence in WWII.