Pretty athena

World History Unit 2

  • Jan 1, 632

    Empire Of Islam

    Arabia became Muslim and Muhammad said to leave christians and jews alone. A struggle for faith, said if you die Islam you get the blessing of God
  • Jan 1, 700

    The reconquista

    muslims conqured most of spain and christians began efforts to drive muslims out
  • Feb 26, 711


    Muslim forces crossed the Strait Gibraltar & conquered Spain. And in 731-32 Muslims moved into France, but were stopped by the Franks at the Battle Of Tours
  • Jan 1, 1054

    western european christianity

    differences between east and west provoked a schism, or permanent split between the eastern(greek) orthodoxand the roman catholic church
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Decline of the muslim empire

    A sultan controlled Baghdad, killing the last Abbasid caliph
  • Jan 1, 1085

    The reconquista

    christians recaptured the city of toledo
  • Jan 1, 1099

    decline of the muslim empire

    christian crusaders captured jerusalem. later muslim general salah al-din ousted the christians from jerusalem in 1187
  • Jan 1, 1202

    Last part to The Empire Of Islam

    Blood moved, Health is vital, so they built medical schools so that docters could prevent horrible disieses.They also built the hospitals on to churches to show their gratitude.
  • Jan 1, 1258


    They overthrew the Umayyads, and ended Arab dominance and helped make Islam a universal religion. the empire of caliphs reached its greatest wealth and power, so the muslims enjoyed the golden age
  • Period: Jan 1, 1330 to

    the byzantine empire

    kieve and other town were destroyed along with thousands of russians because of the mongol conquest
  • Jan 1, 1337

    the hundred years war

    Edward the III claimed the french crown once the fighting started national pride and english rivalry made it difficult for either side to give up
  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Jan 1, 1453

    the hundred years war

    England fought a series of conflict, thus starting the hundred years war. the english rulers wanted to keep the french lands of thier norman ancestors but french rulers wanted to extend their own power in france
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Spread of the black death

    A Genoese trading ship landed in messina, sicily, bring the black death. the bubonic plague was spread by flease on rats, but sadly the towns people believed that cats were friends with witches and so they killed them all, only increasing the plague.
  • decline of the muslim empire

    seljuk turks invaded the middle east and built a large empire in the fertile crescent