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World Events

  • African Nationalism

    African Nationalism
    From the 30's to the the late 80's African people felt unequal.The reason for this is a poorly ran government and the peoples feelings towards government. The people were being moved from their houses they were in some cases being raped or they felt trapped by the government.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II was the biggest and most dangerous war. This war was caused by the Nazi's invading Poland this became a famous war for what was going on in Germany at the time which was being ran by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party where they killed more than 6,000,000 Jews.
  • South African Changes

    South African Changes
    "Somewhere between 60,000 to 100,000 people of different ethnic groups were put into 4 towns to clear space for the white areas". In Africa at the time Nelson Mandela was working people were being moved out of their home and being split to make space for white people. (pg.96 Mandela)
  • Polictal Views

    Polictal Views
    "In 1946 a number of critical events occurred that shaped my political development"."The mine workers strike of of 1946 in which 70,000 African miners along the reef".These quotes come from Nelson Mandela's book where speaks about cultural events that shaped his political ideas.
  • Labor Movements

    Labor Movements
    In South Africa their was a constant battle from the 1910's to the 1950s where people would protest the poor wages they would receive for the work they were doing. So as result they had many protests until they were equally paid and respected.
  • Obama Becomes President

    Obama Becomes President
    On November 11, 2008 Obama won the president election and became the first black president of the United States . This is important because it's a similar situation to Nelson Mandela because Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa