VanE F Muslim Civilization

  • Jan 1, 630

    Muhammad makes return to Medina with Meccans

    Muhammad makes return to Medina with Meccans
    After the battles were fought in Mecca, he made his return and rededicated the Kaaba and Allah to the church. This was important because that mosque then became the most holy place in Islam.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies
    The date of Muhammad was important because he was the last prophet or messenger of God. He was thought of as the best messenger, and he held this title very well since he helped people convert to Islam.
  • Jan 1, 655

    Islam spreads to North Africa

    Islam spreads to North Africa
    This was significant because this was the first empire that Islam came too. Muhammad’s preachings finally spread into a different empire and more people found Islam as an appealing religion.
  • Abbasid Reign Fragmented

    Abbasid Reign Fragmented
    The Abbasids were a group of people who took over control of the Muslim Empire. This was an important event, because once an empire is harmed in a certain way, it is very hard to build it back.