Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
usa history
Oct 1, 1400
amerians travel to north america
Spanish and French people traveled to th USA. This is important because this is th first european people to travel to the US. -
brittain and france fight for us land
The British and French fought for us land. After about 10 years britain won. This is important because this is when British took over and ruled the colonists -
Declaration of Independence
The US signed a document freeing them from British rule. This made the US their own country, declaring our freedom. -
Emancipaton Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln signed this document, freeing all slaves from the south. This is important because it was the first step for equal black rights. -
The world broke out into war. This was a terrible time, as about 50 million people total died in the war. The US side eventually won.