US history timeline

By kxb4575
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    American revolutionary war

    The American Revolutionary was between Great Britain and the United States. They both had a war because the United Staes didn't want to stay with Great Britain. Great Britain was really unfair because they had rules that were not fair to colonists. The United states had a really weak army. the alllies Spain and Franc ehelped. In the end they won. The why the American Revolution is important because American Colonies got independence.
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    Civil War

    The Civil War was in the United States.
    The war was between The Confedercy and Unio about slavery. Confedrecy doesn't want to abolish slavery but Union want.The Union won and slavery was abolished. Abraham Lincoln helped the Union win
    In the end slavery was abolished as north ( Union ) won.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assaisnation

    Abraham Lincoln Assaisnation
    Abraham Lincoln was the first US President to be assassinated. John Booth a confederate kiled Abrahm Lincoln. Abraham Lincon was against slavery. He was killed in Ford Theatre In Washington DC. while watching play
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    World War 1

    WW1 was starrted between allies and central powers due to policies of several European countries. US joined later which was not favored by people. The European countries lost and there was a treaty that ended the war
  • Nineteenth Amendment to constitiution

    Nineteenth Amendment to constitiution
    In 1920, women were granted the right to vote with 19th ammendment. This gave women more rights in US. A ton of woman went to a convention in new york. They made a Declaration of Independence. In result they got independence
  • Pear harbor attack

    Pear harbor attack
    Japan attacked US Naval bas at Pearl harbor Hawaii.The attack was to keep US Navy away from Interfering with japanese Miltary action. This attack led to pacific war.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    July 20,1969 was a important day in US history because Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were the first ever humans to land on the moon. Russia was trying to land on the moon first. This happend because john F Kennady had the goal to " landing of a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the earth" .That's why it is important in US history
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a significant event in U.S history because hijackers crashed planes into the USA's landmarks. 2 hijackers crashed into the north and south, world trade centers. 1 hijacker crashed into the Pentagon. 3,000 people died on that day. Ton's of fire fighters and police men died, trying to save lives. 9/11 is a important day in US history.It was first time that sombody atacked US from Inside US as US always supported Peace in all the ree countries.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    Osama Bin Laden Killed
    US Navy Seal Killed Osama in Pakistan which was a great victory in an effort to defeat Al Queda.It was victory for America, who seek peace and lost lives in Sep 11 attack.
  • 44th US President

    44th US President
    President Barack Obama was first African- American to be voted as President of USA. Joe Biden was really close to beat him but Obama boxed him out