U.S History Timeline

By mxh4145
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    The American Revolution

    The American Revolution was a very significant event because it freed us from Great Britain, and gave us our independence. The British colonists that lived in America thought that King George the III was being unfair by making them follow certain laws and pay several taxes. If we had not won that war, we'd probably still have Great Britain controlling us today.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776. That day, the 13 colonies celebrated it as Independence Day which is now a national holiday. The Declaration of Independence is a very valuable part of history because it stated ways of how the government should be including that they should help and treat the citizens in a good manner. It also informed the King of the causes for the seperation between the 13 American colonies, and Great Britain.
  • The American Constitution

    The American Constitution
    The American Constitution is very crucial in U.S history because it helped authorize our government. It stated things such as the three branches of government (Legislative, Judical, Executive) , and the Bill of Rights for our citizens. We still use the form of government, and the rights stated in the document for our country. This document was signed by 39 delegates on September 17, 1787.
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War was a fight against the Northern and Southern halves of the U.S becuase of different economic opinions. It was a very significant event in U.S history for many reasons. First of all, it moved our country a step foward into slavery (which had been going on before the war), it strengthened the union of the states, and set the economy of the country to a better stage. If there wasn't a Civil War, there would probably have a very different economy.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation is extremely critical in our country's history.This act was written by Abraham Lincoln in 1862, but it didn't have any effect on the country until 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation freed over three million slaves which helped simplify the slave dilemma. It made things a whole lot more fair for everyone, and it reduced the amount of work we'd have to do to end slavery in the future.
  • Women Get the Right to Vote

    A very meaningful event in U.S history is when women got the right to vote. This movement made our country move an immense step foward into a real democracy. Also, this movement helped women gain other rights. This still has a very large impact on women today.
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    The Great Depression

    On October 29, 1929, there was a stock market trash that affected the whole country. This was the start of the Great Depression. Many people were affected during this time period. People lost their jobs, money, and houses over 10 years. After that time period, our country realized that we needed to be more protective of our money, so we made a law for it to be secure. If the Great Depression had not happened, the economic effect would have probably effected us, and our money wouldn't be safe.
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    The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement was an act to try and end racism- mainly for African-American people. Many African-American people protested, and were deeply threatened. The Civil Rights Movement lasted an extended 14 years, but at the end the African-Americans were accepted for who they were. Finally racism was over, which helped our country become a lot more stable, as well as our democracy. So, the Civil Rights Movement made our country stronger, fair, and it gave all the people equal rights.
  • The First Americans On the Moon

    The First Americans On the Moon
    When Apollo 11 landed on the moon, and the first Americans walked on the moon along with arriving safely back home, it was an instant success for the U.S. It definetly was a significant event in history, because it changed our space programs, we decided to do a lot more trips to the moon, and it changed our level of technology. It also helped us learn much more about the Solar System.
  • 9/11

    A very important even in U.S history is terrorist attack on 9/11/01. 9/11 (we don't reallysay the year) was the day when 19 terrorists accomplished to make the worst attack on American soil. The plan involved 4 planes crashing into important landmarks, but thankfully, only 3 succeded. That day made our country a lot more protective and careful, especially in airports where we made our security, and a lot more advanced than before. Us, citizens, are also a lot more considerate of what we do.