United States History Class Timeline 2015-16

  • The boston Massacre

    The boston Massacre
    The boston Massacre was and event that lead to 5 people die. This happened because the British soldiers fired their weapons because the colonies were throwing things. This event lead more anger tords the king and soldiers.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson on July 4, 1776. It is American’s most cherished document. It was important because it separated them from Britain and that way the US would be built.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson in 1803.The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US and made people move west. Also it allowed the US to get the Mississippi river.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey West

    The Lewis and Clark Journey West
    The Lewis and Clark journey was a very important journey. It was important because Lewis recorded more than 200 new plant and animal species. Clark made a map so that people could travel to the new land.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    The Donner party is a family that tryed to take a faster way so that they could get to the new land. It ended up that they got stuck in a snow storm and had to eating each other and the last one alive frooze to death.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    If Lincoln would send supplies he would rick war. If he surrendered the fort he would be giving it to the rebels. Lincoln decided to send supplies. The Confederate leaders attacked the fort before the supplies came. Then on April 12, 1861 the Confederate opened fire and that marked the beginning of the Civil War.
  • DQ

    In 1940 the first Dairy Queen was open. It was open in Joliet, Illinois. The founder’s names is John Fremont McCullough. He also owns Orange Julius and Karmelkron. Dairy Queen has now been open for 70 years. They also have shops in Canada.
  • Pele the greatest soccer player

    Pele the greatest soccer player
    On October 1, 1977 Pele played his last game as a soccer player. He played at the Giants stadium. Pele is now as a legend to people. He is still alive and is about 74 years old. Pele scored a total 1,283 goal in his career. He also has won the world cup three times with brazil.
  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Brown vs The Board of Education
    In the 1950’s five schools segregation cases for brown vs the board of education. Brown was a little black girl who should of went to a white school but instead had to go across town to go to a black school. Segregation in schools and other public facilities was illegal. The next year the court ordered public schools to desegregate.
  • the death of Elvis

    the death of Elvis
    Elvis died in Aug. 16, 1977. He was a singer and actor He is known as the king of rock and roll. Elvis was found in a bathroom and was quickly rushed to the hospital. The reason Elvis died was because he overdosed on drugs.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    The unlikly event of my birth......
  • 9/11

    A terroist group took control or four commercial airlines and used them as weapons to attack sites in Washington and NYC. They flew the planes into the world trade center and killed 2,500 Americans. It coused to wars to happen.
  • Italy win the World Cup

    Italy win the World Cup
    In 2006 Italy went to the world cup. They made it through the group stages with 2 win and 1 draw. They then made it to the knockout rounds. 1 lose and they would have been out. The team Italy made it the whole way to the finials. In the finials Italy was matched up against France. They went into a penalty shot out and won 5-3.