
Unit 8 - Wright Esposito

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Age of Exploration - Settlement

    The age of exploration was a time when many European explorers were trying to go to new places across the sea. One of the most well known explorers was Christopher Columbus. He sailed to what he thought was India but was actually the new world. This is significant to the topic of Settlement because he was the first to settle the new world (excluding the natives) and started what is now modern day U.S, Mexico, and Canada.
  • Period: to

    George Washington - Leadership

    George Washington is one of the greatest leaders in American history. He helped lead the colonist armies during the American Revolution. From that point on he served as the first U.S President and lead the entire country for several years. He helped establish "rules" such as that a President should only serve 2 terms. So, we can see that he is very significant when it comes to the term of Leadership as he lead many people and was very good at it.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution - Diplomacy

    The American Revolution was the major turning point in the fight for independence of the 13 colonies. It was fought over several years in which the colonists relentlessly attacked the British. They caused so much trouble that they actually won. This event is significant when it comes to diplomacy because much diplomacy was needed after and during the revolution. An example would be the Treaty of Paris which helped end the revolution.
  • Bill of Rights - American Dream

    Bill of Rights - American Dream
    The Bill of Rights is arguably the most important addition to the constitution. It says that everyone is equal and defines all of our rights as U.S citizens. This is significant to the idea of the American Dream because it encourages the idea that every man and women are created equal, have the same opportunities, and can achieve success.
  • Manifest Destiny - Progress

    Manifest Destiny - Progress
    Manifest Destiny is the idea that it is a god given command for the Americans to expand westward. The Americans at this time were making major progress in the west. As technology advanced, westward expansion rapidly increased. Because of this expansion we now have modern day states such as California and New Mexico. If this progress was never made America would be a lot smaller than it is now. So, we can see why this idea of Manifest Destiny was important in relation to progress.
  • Missouri Compromise - Compromise

    Missouri Compromise - Compromise
    The Missouri compromise was when the government was trying to decide if Missouri would become a slave state or a free state. In order to keep congress balanced they made Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state. This was one of the major compromises just before the Civil War. Hence, it's extremely significant in relationship to Compromise as it helped postpone the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Civil War - Conflict

    The Civil War is one of Americas bloodiest and harmful wars. The Civil War was brought on by rising tensions between the North and South due to the issue of slavery. The South wanted to keep their slaves but the North saw this as wrong and inhumane. So, after tensions rose and the South left the union, the country broke out in war. This is probably one of the most significant conflicts in American history. Hence, we can see why it's important.