Unit 2 Timeline: Enlightenment and Revolutions

By inayaj
  • Period: 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

    This was significant because it changed the way of thinking, both scientifically and in general. People began to actually question things and ask for evidence instead of believing everything they heard.
  • Galileo Galilei supports heliocentric theory

    This is a very important scientific theory. Additionally, the book he wrote about this challenged the traditional authority at the time because they believed in the geocentric theory. by suggesting that they were wrong, he was undermining their legitimacy, which led other people to think, question, and wonder.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    This war put an end to the tradition of the divine right of kings and started the modern monarchy and parliament system that the British have today.
  • Hobbes' Leviathan is published

    This was written during the English Civil War and is very important because it was one of the biggest and most important documents that argue for the social contract. This book helped people think about what the government should be and influenced their views.
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    This was important because it was when the absolute monarchy was abolished in England and the parliament was made the ruler, making it a constitutional monarchy.
  • Locke’s Two Treatises on Government is published

    This was a very important Enlightenment document because it helped influence the minds of the people and this is a really prime example of Enlightenment ideals. It helped show how the Enlightenment tried to redefine political identity.
  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment

    This was a very important age. It taught the people to question traditional authority and brought to light the Enlightenment ideals and theories made by philosophes. These ideas and theories are very significant because they are present in so many country/government's laws and help us understand human nature and the role of a government,
  • Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia

    This was important because it spread Enlightenment ideals and was designed to change that way that people think about themselves, the world, and the government.
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI’s reign

    He was the last king of France from the Bourbon line. His poor ruling eventually led to the French Revolution not only because of the third estate's mistreatment but also because of the failing economy and crops, leading to starvation, inflation, and unemployment.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    This was significant because not only did it signify the independence of America's colonies from Britain, but this revolution inspired many others especially the French Revolution.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    These were important because they were the first battles in the American Revolution. The French Revolution soon followed in its footsteps.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This document was very important because it marked the independence of America. It is also a very prime example of how Enlightenment ideals are present in government documents. It was heavily influenced by Enlightenment ideals.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    This was a document stating the public’s disdain of the current government and how they will change it. It is one of the most important human rights documents. It eventually became the essence of the preamble to the French Constitution, and was a very important document throughout the French Revolution. (It's similar to the Declaration of Independence.) This document led many people to want more change and was a leading revolution paper.
  • National Assembly Formed in France

    The National Assembly was the revolutionary assembly created by the representatives of the third estate. It represented the third estate and pushed for change. They formed a new constitution that the king was forced to agree to and their formation was essentially the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    This was important because this oath was one that showed how committed the national assembly was when they vowed to create a new constitution and keep meeting.
  • Legislative Assembly is formed in France

    This is significant because the Legislative Assembly was the legislature of France at the time of the revolution. The people voted for these positions.
  • Bill of Rights is Signed

    This is important because the Bill of Rights is a really big example of natural rights in government. This set an example for other nations.
  • Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published

    This was important because it helped people to think about inequities between men and women. It also got people thinking about the role of women in society.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    He was executed after he attempted to flee France with his family. This made the people realize that he did not care about France and only himself. This execution was important because it marked France's want to end the monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    This was important because it was what happened to France in all of their panic and fear in order to keep enemies of France and the revolution out. Additionally, all of the death, violence, and terror in this time period made the people stay nonchalant when Napoleon forcefully took power, because they were hoping for some peace and stability.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    This was important because this marked the end of France's monarchy and also made Austria even more furious at France's people.
  • Napoleon's Coup

    This was important because it ended the French Revolution and began a period of stability in which France became a much stronger nation.