U.S History Timeline

  • Assaination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assaination of Abraham Lincoln
    It was a sad day in U.S history when John Wikes Booth killed President Lincoln. Lincoln did help save our country and free slaves. Importnat to U.S because Lincoln lost was not good for the country. But his work is alive today. Blacks can vote and live free.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    General Edmund Kirby Amith the leader of the confederate forces surrendered to mark the end of the Civil War. President Lincoln believed in keeping the Union togrether, he wanted the southern states to stay in the Union. It was important to U.S. History because slave and all people were given the right to vote by 14 &15 amendment. I beileve this was important to U.S history because the Northern and Southern states stayed in one union, slaves were given citizenship and the right to vote.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation proclomation in 1863 allowed slaves to be free. The Civil War started in 1861 through 1865. President Lincoln knew that the Northerners and Southerners were'nt going to agree with the abolishment of slavery. But the Emancipation Proclamation freed 3.1 million slaves,and the freed slaves could join the Union Armry and can support there cause and was a vital part of the war. It was important to the U.S. because the Congress passed the 13 amendment and show the world human rights
  • Reconstruction of the South

    Reconstruction of the South
    After the war there was a massive junk yard of rubble left over from the war and left many southerners to clean up the mess. President Andrew Johnson gave alot back to the slaves owners after President Lincoln was assasinated. Congress approved a law in 1870 and allowed many citizens the right to vote, different races. Blacks won elections in the south and were give new list of oppurtunities. it was important to U.S. to rebuild relationship with the north and south,railroads,grow national
  • Passage of the 15th Amendment

    Passage of the 15th Amendment
    Provided Right to citizenship for slaves, and allowed slaves and other people the chance to vote. Race, creed and color don't matter inorder to vote. It was important to U.S history because it helped people to feel part of the country and live free and participate in elections today.
  • End of Reconstruction of the South

    End of Reconstruction of the South
    It was a time were the states governors were given power to build their states. Blacks were elected into office and new slave promoted groups started (KKK). racial lines were drawn in schools, business,etc.. But they learn to live together. it was important to U.S. in that the south join the union and states continue to build their eonomies.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    In 1898 there was a war between the U. S. and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas. The war lasted 4 months. U.S. put a military base on the island and is responsible for the western Pacific and Latin America areas. The importance of this in U.S history is that it split up some the relationship between Spain and America. Also, it helps to protect the U.S. in the pacific with a military force.
  • The Roosevelt Corollary

    The Roosevelt Corollary
    Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th president of the U.S. in Sept 1901, after the assassination of William McKinley. It gave the U.S the right to be an international police power in the western hemisphere. It is important to the U.S. in that it justified the U.S. intervention in Latin America to protect U.S. interest. It was important to the U.S.
  • NAACP Founded

    NAACP Founded
    in 1909 the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was a civil rights agency in the U.S. to help color people. The organization helped black people with legal problems. It is important to the U.S. because the NAACP send freedom riders in the South to protects for civil rights with Dr.Martin Luther King.
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    Zimmerman Telegraph
    In 1917, a message from the Germany's foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerma to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German friendship. Germany said it would help Mexico get the land back from the U.S. in the case of war. It was important to the U.S. in that it cause the president to declare war on Germany and join the other countries in WW-1.
  • U.S Declares War on Germany

    U.S Declares War on Germany
    Sept..4, 1941 Germany U-boat fired on U.S. destroyer, President Roosevelt ordered commander to shoot Germany submarines. this is important to U.S. because now the U.S. is in the war.