U.S History

  • 6000 BCE

    First Americans enter North America

    This was around the beginning era of time when the first Natives entered they brought hope and land to America even though others may claim they did.
  • Apr 13, 1473

    Thomas Jefferson

    He was the primary maker of the constriction and he was the 3rd president of the United states. Without him many of our rights right now would not be on the constitution.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    He "discovered" America in 1492 and he was very cruel to the native Americans their. Without him we would have never started moving to America
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands

    This event was misrepresented but is still a very powerful point in time. Christopher Columbus did not did not discover America he brought the French to the Americas
  • Navigation act of 1651

    This was a very important act that remained for trade that helped very much with England that ended up as a war not too far later.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    He was very \mean to the Native Americans and started an act to remove them and he is on the 100 dollar bill. Without him Natives would still be living in peace today.
  • George Washington

    He was the first president of the United States and helped to write the constitution and the bill of rights. Without him we would never have him as the first president and some of the rules on the constitution
  • French and Indian war

    This was a fight for most of North America and since the British did not have many solders they teamed up with the Indians and this turned out to be the French and Indian war.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This was and act by the King out of spite for the 7 year war that happened and because of this he made it so that they could not cross paths.
  • Stamp act

    This was an act in where the people- took a stand for what they felt was right and they did not buy any stamps and this helped to start people protesting.
  • Andrew Jackson

    He was an American solider the 17th president and served as both parties without him we would not have the Add to dictionary democracy
  • Boston Massucure

    This was an event that killed many people even though they had the right to protest and it was a very sad event that had their right to protest ruined
  • Boston tea party

    This was a big protest that had a real high purpose behind it so that they would not get priced on things of that for no reason
  • Declaration of independenece

    This gave us many things one of the being our independence and this was very important because that is what our society runs on.
  • American revolution

    This was a point in time where it was very important and we won our independence from Britain and that made us where we are today.
  • United Constitution signed

    This was when we knew that the United states Constitution took action and this is what Americans follow every day so that is very important.
  • the enlightenment

    This was a more of a intellectual movement that was very powerful and went for a long time.
  • Louisana purchase

    This was very important because it got rid of many debts but also added on a lot of other debts also so that is where we are now.
  • Westward exspansion

    This was when the United States felt like they should began to move west because of what they believe
  • Lewis and Clark

    They were the first Americans to cross the western part of the United States. Without them we might have not ventured into the western part of America and we might still be in the Northern part today.
  • Lewis and clark expidition

    This made us discover most parts of North America that we did not already know about.
  • Abarham Lincoln

    He was highly in favor of no racism and he did not want slaves during his predency he was shot and without him we might still have slavery today.
  • mercantilisum

    This was to enhance people to make sure that they were selling and that it was ok
  • elction of 1828

    This was very important because it determined our third president and started the jackosonian democracy.
  • Indian removal act

    This was a very sad time where there was not very many sense in the Americas and the president believed that we could never live in peace with them
  • mexican american war

    This was very controversial because not many believed that it was right on both parts but this was a very long war that was the effect of land ownership
  • Compromise of 1850

    This was very important as it brought many people together regarding this topic and brought more things like this to occur in the future
  • Dred scott decision

    This was very sad because even though it was an unwritten rule they said that it had to be written and he had to go to jail.
  • Dred Scott

    He was a slave who snuck away to be free and he started a very controversial thing which he lost the case but then later won and he died soon after that.
  • Election of 1860

    This was very important because it meant the role of a president looking to do great things and one looking to do bad things.
  • Civil war

    This was a war that meant great things to come and it had very sad things attached to it and the end killed Abraham Lincoln.
  • Fredrick Douglas

    He was a very influential speaker and helped greatly into freeing slaves as he was a slave himself but he escaped.
  • Jackosonian democracy

    this was that it was the right for them to live separate because he believed that they could never live in peace.