Typical Student Behavior

By JackEB
  • 11-13 Year Old Students

    11-13 Year Old Students
    Joey is 11 years old and Billy is 12 years old, both of them are totally embarrassed to be seen in public with their parents. Jenna is also 12 years old, her teacher has noticed some serious hormonal changes happening with her this school year. All three of them are beginning to develop strong friendships with their classmates.
  • 14-18 Year Old Students

    14-18 Year Old Students
    At these ages young people's brains are rapidly developing in specific areas. This development encourages behavior such as: seeking out high excitement/low effort activities. Also, at this age, boys and girls are seeking out all sorts of high risk recreational/physical activities. One more note about the behavior of students of this age group is that they are emotional and quick to overreact.
  • 5-10 Year Old Students

    5-10 Year Old Students
    At this age: students are becoming bathroom independent (5yrs). They are becoming obsessed with rules (6yrs). Desiring the option of making their own decisions (8yrs).