Chapter 7 (What Should Teachers Know about Technology and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning?)
The main purpose of education in this century was to teach children to read the bible and to purtain morals.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
In the 17th century education was not a requiement for children. It was more of a dream.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Technological innovation was introduced to classrooms that had a profound impact on teaching. (pg184)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Horace Mann who was a Massachusetts legislator and secretary of the state board of education began to advocate for the creation of public schools.
History and Evolution of Public Education in the US - Eric. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED606970.pdf. -
The first public school in the U.S was established.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
The department of education was established giving students more opportunities.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Public schools were now presenting in every state with secondary public schools outnumbering private schools.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
An economic depression hit which caused many schools to close because the lack of funds to staff the school with teachers and supplies.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Immigrants started arriving to the U.S. Public schools were the main instituition that taught immigrant children the English language and assimulated them into American culture and values.
History and Evolution of Public Education in the US - Eric. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED606970.pdf. -
Thomas Edison basically stated that the school system will be completly changed in ten years because of technology. (pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
The schools slowly bounced back after the economic depression hit.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act passed.This was meant to give students with low income,minority families, children with limited English proficiency, and children with disabilities an opportunity in ensuring their education.
History and Evolution of Public Education in the US - Eric. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED606970.pdf. -
Calculators and computers were introduced.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Jaime Escalante taught math to more of a troubled group of students in a school known for violence and drugs.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Jamie Escalante strove to reach his students and have them try their best.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Period: to
Jaime Escalante was an Ap calculus teacher in Los Angeles.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Microcomputers became affordable which introduced many software products to drill students on basic skills. (pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
By the 1980's computer aided instruction was common in both K-12 and higher education.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
In 1982 Jamie Escalante's class took an advanced placement test in Calculus.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Escalante's students passed the Ap test in Calculus but the scores where judged by the testing company saying the students had cheated.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Escalante then protested saying the students are being discriminated on their race and the school they are coming from. Eventually the students retook the test and passed, proving the company wrong.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
A Nation at Risk report called for all high school graduates to be able to both understand and use computers.(pg188)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Escalante's classroom and its success were the topic public discussions were having.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Computers in classrooms could be found nationwide.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
Escalante also taught in a high school named Sacramento but didn't really succeed with the students. He later on retired.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Escalante recieved an award called National Teachers Hall of Fame.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
Had a variety of technological devices into the classroom, includingg the filmstrip projector, the overhead projector, the motion picture and educational televesion. (pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Filmstream projector,overhead projector, motion picture and educational television was introduced in schools.(pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Technology go through four degrees of application. The model is called SAMR stands for Substitution,Augmentation,Modification, and Redefinition.(pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Presentation software such as slides and powerpoint are used in classrooms to show text and pictures. (pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Powerpoints and slides can have games, quizzes,tutorials linked to them.(pg185)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Modification allows teachers to use presentation such as Prezi that allow nonlinear style and students to explore on their own path amd pace.(pg186)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Online databases allow for research and exploration. Online there is tremendous variety of information (pg189)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Emails,chats,podcasts,blogs allows others to interact with others and communicate with each other. (pg189)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Spreadsheets are good to analyze data. This allows students with multiple ways to view and think about data. (pg190)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Slideshows,video creation, e-book makers allow for enhance and interest understanding for students. (pg190)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Online questions, surveys, quizzes allow teachers to build high quality feed back to students.(pg191)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Publishing students work encourages them to do their best and helps them engage with a wider audience. (pg191)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Annotating like Edpuzzle, ListenWise allows students to collaborate with one another and give teachers in depth look into students understanding. (pg191)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Google meets, Zoom can help teachers host online discusions while remotely learning.(pg191)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Sensors and probes are more appropriate technology for math and science. (pg192)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Geographic information system which allows students to collect terms and tools that can be translated into a digital map. Allowed students to engage in real world problem solving. (pg184)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Redefinition allows presentations to be shared and explored. (pg186)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
About 65% of teachers access social media for professional learning opportunities meaning that they connect with other educators to share and learn about new teaching ideas. (pg187)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Social media like Twitter, Instagram,TikTok, Facebook can be used as a reflection for teachers. Meaning they can have insights into their teaching and learning when they share through social media. (pg191)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Google classroom, Canvas, Edmo, Schoology (LMS) allows students to review assigned work, check teacher feedback and communicate with their teachers. (pg192)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Some technology can be classified as cognitive tools meaning they are used to engage and enhance thinking. (pg192)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Escalante died in March 2010 due to Cancer.
“Jaime Escalante.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 26 Mar. 2021, https://www.biography.com/scholar/jaime-escalante. -
The society is still continueing in embracing new technologies and schools are scrambiling to catch up to them.(pg183)
Ryan, K., Cooper, J. M., Bolick, C. M., & Callahan, C. (2021). Those Who Can, Teach (15th Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9780357518403 -
Over the last two centuries education has become an integral part of American society with attendence increasing from 59%-94%.
“History of Education: The United States in a Nutshell.” History of Education in the United States | Educational Tools | LiM, https://www.leaderinme.org/blog/history-of-education-the-united-states-in-a-nutshell/. -
How would you extend this chapter summary?
I would not want a lot of information at once. This activity was good for putting in a timeline of an educator and the history of education in America, but not a good activity for a chapter summary. Since it is a timeline we had to put dates and in the chapter they did not point out specific dates. I wouldn't assign this activity for a chapter summary.