Period: to
7.01 Project (Pedagogy and Curriculum)
20th March 2016 to 30th Novemeber 2016 -
Course Introduction
Julie Whyte and Frances Corkery are the teacher educators facilitating 7.02 (Pedagogy and Curriculum).
Today I was introduced to the course and the assessments involved this year. -
Evernote Notebook Link
Project Proposal
Begin setting up project proposal for completion on the 8th of April with Frances. -
Meeting with Mentor Teacher
Discussion around my focus area (reciprocal reading). Ensure I have prepared questions -
Assessment Point One
Complete project proposal in class. Julie and Frances will give me feedforward before completing the project plan. Focus of this week's learning is; personal strengths and areas of development, rubrics, and assessment point one. (Frances room L319) -
EIT Library
Visit the EIT library to acquire literature on my project. -
Family Wedding
Family wedding in Rotorua on the 16th of April. Project plan has to be completed by the 16th of April. -
Session Three
I will be in class to morning tea. I have to travel to Rotorua for a family wedding. Inform Julie prior to the lesson by email and discuss with her on the day. Focus for this week's learning is teacher dispositions and approaches. (Julie room L319) -
Assessment Point One
Assessment point one project plan is due. Submitted online. Complete by the 16th of April because of my family wedding I have to attend. -
Professional Readings
Continue developing a list of professional readings that are relevant to my project. Include the dates that I will read these to my timeline. -
Professional Reading (Reciprocal Teaching)
Read this exemplar and take notes that are pertinent to me. https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/107108/BES-Exemplar4.pdf -
Research for Literature
Spend half a day searching the web for literature that is relevant to my project. Upload to my Google Doc. -
Visit Napier Library
Visit the Napier library to acquire research on my chosen project. -
Develop Questions for Interviews
Develop a number of questions for my interviews. -
Observation Planning
Email my old mentor teacher and associate teacher at St Jospeh's Primary School. Plan a meeting and observation with the both of them on the 10th of May. -
Professional Reading
Read this exemplar and take notes that are pertinent to me. http://www.brighthubeducation.com/teaching-methods-tips/6831-using-reciprocal-teaching-to-engage-students/ -
Professional Reading
Read this exemplar and take notes that are pertinent to me. http://research.avondale.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1127&context=teach -
Professional Reading
Read this exemplar and take notes that are pertinent to me. http://epltt.coe.uga.edu/index.php?title=Reciprocal_Teaching -
Interview Janene
Interview Janene to gain her understanding of reciprocal reading. Use prepared questions. Complete this interview during SBL. -
Interview Emily and Leigh
Interview Emily and Leigh to gain their understanding of reciprocal reading. Use prepared questions. Complete this interview after 7.02 class. -
Observation and Evaluation
Observation of Janene Maloney facilitating a reciprocal reading lesson. Ask for permission to video Janene as a different example of an artefact. -
Interview Frances
Interview Frances to gain her understanding of reciprocal reading. Use prepared questions. Complete this interview after 7.01 class. -
Session Four
Focus for this week's learning is report writing, pedagogy, theories, and the New Zealand Curriculum. (Frances room L315) -
Observation at St Joseph's School
Observation of Therese Kinney and Theresa Brady facilitating a reciprocal reading lesson at St Joseph's School. Ask for permission to video record as a different example of an artefact. -
Begin Report One
Slowly start to begin report one. Book meeting with a learning advisor on the 3rd or 6th of June. -
Session Five
Focus for this week's learning is professional teaching philosophy. (Julie room L318 in the morning and L317 in the afternoon) -
Continue Literature Search
Continue looking on the internet, library, and school for relevant literature on reciprocal reading. -
Session Six
Focus for this week's learning is incorporating literacy and class planning. (Frances room L315) -
Assessment Point One
Assessment point one report one is due. Report and artefacts. -
Session Seven
Focus for this week's learning is emerging philosophies, cultural competencies, and support networks. (Julie room L318 in the morning and L317 in the afternoon) -
Begin Assessment Point Two
Begin assessment point two developing philosophy. Written statement and presentations. -
Assessment Point Two Written Statement
Assessment point two, written statement is due. -
Assessment Point Two Presentations
Assessment point two, presentations is due. -
Session Ten
Focus for this week's learning is effective practice dimensions and varying pedagogies. (Frances room L315) -
Session Eleven
Focus for this week's learning is thinking tools. (Julie room L319) -
Session Twelve
Focus for this week's learning is key competencies, effective pedagogy, and cross curricular integration. (Frances room L303) -
Begin Report Two
Slowly start to begin report two. Book meeting with a learning advisor on the 3rd of November. -
Assessment Point One Report Two
Assessment point two report two is due. Report and artefacts. -
Session Thirteen
Focus for this week's learning is sharing of learning. (Julie and Frances room L311)
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