Training Programs

  • The History of the training profession

    The History of the training profession
    This timeline will provide information on the evolution of Training Profession
  • WWII Created a need for a a more efficient way to train workers

    WWII Created a need for a a more efficient way to train workers
    An advisory service developed by the national desfense advisory commision developed systemic on the job training other programs developedJRT - Job Relations Training
    ◦JMT - Jobs Methods Training
    ◦JST - Job Safety Training
    ◦JiTT - Just in Time Training
  • The creation of American Society of Training Directors an organization that views training as a profession

    The creation  of American Society of Training Directors an organization that views training as a profession
    The first meeting of the ASTD was held by the ASTD members met in Baton Rouge, Louisiana for its first formal meeting on January 12, 1943. The name has also evolved to American Society for Training and Development. Include performance and learning theories , Since then it has changed to the Association of Talent and Development
  • BF Skinner Individualied training

    BF Skinner Individualied training
    B.F. Skinner has created the concept of individualized automated instruction. The instructor is replaced with systematic materials. These materials have been divided into small steps that ​ are easily understood by the learner.​
  • Organizational behavior theoretical use in Training program development

    Organizational behavior theoretical  use in Training program development
    Behavioral​ science knowledge and practices are used to help organizations achieve greater effectiveness, including improved quality of work life and increased productivity (Cummings, Huse, 1989)
  • Instructional System Design model

    Instructional System Design model
    1956 Donald Kirkpatrick introduces his four-level model of evaluating training that remains one of the central parts Instructional System Design
  • Computer based training CBT

    Computer based training CBT
    CBT Training. It is​ based on individualized instruction that allows a learner to work through the material at her own pace. It is a progression from printed individualized instruction and teaching machines to the computer with its speed, internet connectivity and visual display.
  • Blended Learning 2000- to present

    Blended Learning 2000- to present
    Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through the delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some control over time, place, path, or pace of education​. included forms mobile , computer classroom