Topic 15 Final Culture

  • 3000 BCE

    The invention of the Egyptian Calendar

    The invention of the Egyptian Calendar
    This event shows a huge human advancement that we continue to use today. The Egyptian calendar is very important to agriculture as it helps determine the season. Society and culture were overall changed by this invention because it helped people with their daily lives. This is important to world history because to this day all countries have a calendar in use.
  • 2000 BCE

    The Bronze Age

    The Bronze Age
    The Bronze Age marked the first time humans began to use metals to make tools and weapons. This age advanced culture and society by allowing more efficient farming. The Bronze Age is significant to world history because the field of agriculture began to advance more and more from this point on.
  • 1780 BCE

    The Code of Hammurabi

    The Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi was created to establish fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. The Code is significant to world history because it made a justice system. A justice system significantly impacts culture by keeping society safe.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander's conquests spread Greek culture across his empire. His power caused the beginning of the Hellenistic Age because of the powerful influence that Greek culture had on everyone. Alexander plays a huge role in world history because people's lives were forever changed due to the spread of culture.
  • 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    I chose the black death to support my theme of culture because many medical advancements were made during this tragic event. This event is important to world history because it was one of mankind's worst pandemics.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    I chose this event because it has a huge significance to world history, especially in the aspect of culture. Also known as the Age of Discovery, the Renaissance was a period of time in Europe that prompted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art.
  • 1436

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
    The creation of the Printing Press had a huge significance to world history. The creation revolutionized culture by spreading news and ideas in a more efficient manner. The printing press spreads knowledge by enabling the creation of written communication.
  • 1453


    Constantinople was a largely influential empire and for that reason, I chose it to support my theme. Constantinople was the center of Byzantine trade and culture so it had a large influence on everyone around it. This is important to world history because it shows how culture can spread throughout a large area.
  • 1492

    Discovery of the "New World"

    Discovery of the "New World"
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the new world of the Americas. The world was changed from this point on because people began to advance trading of goods. These commodities greatly influenced culture.
  • 1500

    The Corruption of the Catholic Church

    The Corruption of the Catholic Church
    During the 1500s, the Roman Catholic Church was found to be corrupt because of the sale of indulgences. Soon after, the Protestant Reformation began. This caused cultural changes because people started to understand different beliefs which caused an impact on world history.
  • Summary

    All of the events shown on this timeline reveal the continuing advances of human nature over time. As humans achieve and advance in one aspect of life, that achievement causes or influences another to occur.