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Top Ten Events of the Middle Ages - Timeline

  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne Crowned

    Charlemagne Crowned
    Charlemagne being crowned was significant to history because he was a great military leader. Also, he encouraged reading and writing. Finally, he developed the rules of the fedual system.
  • Aug 14, 1066

    Battle Of Hastings

    Battle Of Hastings
    The Battle of Hastings was important because it changed who was in charge of England. The Normans became the kings instead of the anglo-saxans. Also, it changed the culture completely.
  • Jun 15, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    The First Crusade was important because that is when Europe took back the Holy Lands. Also, it slowed the advance of islamic power
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta is imporant because people used it to protect their rights and property against a tyrannical king. Also, it helped make the foundations of the U.S. Constitution and many other documents.
  • 1300


    Gunpowder was important in Europe because it made the Fedual System weaker. Also, it made the way they fought wars change. Finally, it let them explore the world.
  • 1300


    Glasses were important in Medieval Europe because it made many people able to read and many other things. Also, it enhanced learning. Finally, it made your eyesight better
  • May 24, 1337

    100 Year War

    100 Year War
    The 100 Year War was important because it showed what happens when people want power. It is also important because it made many advancements happen.
  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was important because it showed how fast diseases can spread and how dangerous they are. It showed us to be more careful. It was also important because it showed us how to prevent disease.
  • 1400


    Clocks were important in Medieval Europe because it made it so people can keep time. Also, it made it so people now had schedules.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The Printing Press was important in Medieval Europe because it made it so books and many other writings could be printed to a large part of society fast. Also, it made it so books were at lower costs.